public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from pixelator with tag Web_applications

July 2005

ServerSideWiki - Powered by RubyonRails and TiddlyWiki

by 15 others
A server side adaptation of GTD Tiddlywiki with an on-site login and some really cool features.

Online Generators

Big list of online generators for a ton of different things from artwork to names to signs

GTDTagglyWiki - all your tagged tasks are belong to you

GTD Tiddlywiki adaption which adds tag support for non-heirarchical categorization of data

ZiddlyWiki - a TiddlyWiki hack by TimMorgan

A tiddlywiki adaption which adds server-side saving of tiddlywikis

June 2005 direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey

by 2 others direc.tor is a prototype for an alternative web-based rich UI for It leverages the XML and XSL services of modern browsers to deliver a responsive interface for managing user accounts with a large number of records.

Yahoo! Alerts - My Alerts

by 1 other
Get alerts on happenings through email, messenger or SMS

The Sect of Homokaasu - The Rasterbator

by 2 others
The rasterbator is a web service which creates huge rasterized pictures out of relatively small image files. The pictures can be assembled into extremely cool looking posters!

May 2005

Best Specialized Search Engines and Directories -

Huge list of the best specialized search engines on the web.

April 2005

Open Source Projects in Rails

by 2 others
Examples of web applications based on "Ruby on Rails", an open source platform for developing web applications.

pixelator's TAGS related to tag Web_applications

"to-do +   @toread +   alert +   application +   applications +   bookmark +   delicious +   enhanced +   flash +   free +   gtd +   hosting +   links +   list +   list" +   open +   platform +   search +   server +   source +   tags +   tiddlywiki +   ui +   web +   wiki +