public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from pmdm with tag usa

January 2008

Contrefaçons installées au FBI

"deux hommes, originaires de Richmond ont réussi à commercialiser des contrefaçons d'équipement Cisco à plusieurs organismes publics. Parmi les victimes, la Police judiciaire fédérale (FBI), l'AFF (Federal Aviation Authority ), le Corps des Marines, l'armée de l'air (US Air Force), Le ministère de l'Energie ou encore plusieurs prisons fédérales."

December 2007

The TTABlog: TTAB Affirms 2(e)(3) Refusal of "FRENCH & FLIRTY" as Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive of Lingerie

" Applicant Vanity Fair argued that "French" is here used euphemistically to mean "sexy," and it submitted a Wikipedia definition that defines the word "french" as "stinky, over-stated or rated, as well as those things that are illegal, immoral or just generally undesirable." Quand on lit ça (surtout ce qui suit la première virgule...), on ne peut que s'interroger -comme John Welch- sur la fiabilité de Wikipédia pour établir objectivement des faits.

The TTABlog: USPTO Issues Annual Report for Fiscal 2007

"the USPTO issued its annual report on November 15, 2007"

October 2007

Reviews Trickle In for New Taxi Logo

Le nouveau logo des taxis de New York suscite le débat. "City Room asked a number of designers and typographers to critique the new logo, which is being placed on medallion cabs as they go in for regular inspections."

August 2007

Mattel sues porn website over use of Barbie name - US

"Mattel Inc. sued a small company on Tuesday for using the toymaker's famed 'Barbie' trademark as part of the name for a pornographic Web site it owned."

Florida Weekly » Legal Case

"Here was “Florida’s oldest law firm” accusing us of infringing on their client’s trademark and cybersquatting on their client’s domain? Wait a minute, we were here first! "

Technology & Marketing Law Blog: American Airlines Sues Google Over Keyword Ads

American Airlines v. Google, 4:07-cv-00487 (N.D. Tex. complaint filed Aug. 16, 2007) [Warning: 4.4MB file]

Foods Tastes Better With McDonald's Logo, Kids Say

"Study suggests branding has powerful effect on preschoolers' diet By Steven Reinberg 8/6/07"

July 2007

'Shiloh': A Baby and a Perfume -

"After a five-month legal battle with perhaps the most famous mother and child on the planet, Angelina Jolie and Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Salimpour won the legal right to call her new perfume Shiloh."

Levi's sues Polo over pocket stitching - Jul. 24, 2007

By Keisha Lamothe, staff writer July 24 2007: 6:31 PM EDT NEW YORK ( -- Jeans and apparel-maker Levi Strauss & Co. is suing Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. for allegedly copying the denim maker's trademarked pocket stitching design.

‘Duck tour’ biz gets in hot water: Hub outfit told to drop logo, similarity to rival - Local & Regional -

U.S. District Court Judge Nathaniel Gorton ordered Super Duck Tours to stop using the words “duck tours” and its cartoon duck logo because of their confusing similarities to those of its 13-year-old competitor, Boston Duck Tours. The company will appeal the ruling.

San Jose Mercury News - Lesbian cycling wins fight to keep "Dyke" trademark

The name "Dykes on Bikes" is inoffensive and a legitimate trademark, a federal appeals court ruled this week.

April 2007

National Ledger - Angelina Jolie Fights to Save Baby Shiloh's Name

"both Shiloh, 11 months, and mom Angelina Jolie, 31, have filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to block Hors Lá Monde Corp., a jewelry-design and fragrance company, from naming its latest perfume Shiloh."

March 2007 Procter & Gamble wins logo lawsuit

"March 20, 2007 - CINCINNATI (AP) - Procter & Gamble Co. has won a jury award of $19.25 million in a civil lawsuit filed against four former Amway distributors accused of spreading false rumors linking the company to Satanism to advance their own business. "

February 2007

Google's GMail Trademark Challenged In US | WebProNews

by Jason Lee Miller on Fri, 02/23/2007

BuySafe Sues eBay over Trademark Infringement

L'emploi de l'expression "buy safely" par eBay porte t'il atteinte à la marque Buy Safe ? On peut en douter...

Citigroup selling umbrella logo

Quand on change de logo, autant valoriser l'ancien !

pmdm's TAGS related to tag usa

blog +   branding +   chine +   contrefaçon +   dénigrement +   jurisprudence +   litige +   logo +   marque +   opposition +   parfum +   risque de confusion +   trademark +   transaction +   uspto +