November 2007
Open Komodo | Open Komodo
by 1 otherThe Open Komodo Project, based on the award-winning Komodo IDE, is a new initiative by ActiveState to create an open source platform for building developer environments. ActiveState has open-sourced elements of Komodo Edit, a free multi-language editor for dynamic languages based on Komodo IDE, to create the Open Komodo code base.
January 2007
Vex - A Visual Editor for XML
by 2 othersVex is Extensible
Vex is based on the Eclipse platform, the same platform used to build the popular Eclipse Java development environment. This foundation provides several advantages.
* The Eclipse platform implements a sophisticated plugin architecture, allowing Vex to be extended with third-party or custom, in-house plugins.
* Vex leverages many of the mature plugins that make up the Eclipse Java IDE such as the CVS interface, document searching and bookmarking facilities, and searchable help system.
* Vex is available with native look-and-feel on many platforms, including Windows, Linux/GTK, and Macintosh OS-X/Carbon.
* Java developers using the Eclipse IDE can import Vex into their IDE as a plugin, making it easy to maintain software documentation with Vex.
Vex is Reusable
The Vex editor widget is available as a pure Java, cross-platform component with bindings to Swing and SWT. Developers can re-use this widget, for example as an applet in a web-based application.
Welcome to NetBeans
by 1 otherAll the tools software developers need to create cross-platform Java desktop, enterprise and web applications. Runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS, as well as Solaris. It is easy to install and use, works right out of the box -- and it is open-source and free!
December 2006
Eclipse pour le développement web, PHP et Python sous Dapper - Bienvenue chez moi !
by 9 othersEclipse est un très bon IDE "récemment" (2001) libéré par IBM et écrit en Java. Il est dabord conçu pour ce langage mais ses nombreux plugins permettent de l'étendre à beaucoup d'autres.
Bien intégré à Gnome il vous sera d'une aide précieuse dans vos développements. Toutes les fonctions qu'on peut attendre de ce genre de logiciel sont présentes ou existent sous forme de plugins (coloration syntaxique, complétition, debugger, gestion de projets, intégration aux gestionnaires de versions, ...).
November 2006
Dabo Desktop Application Framework
Dabo is a 3-tier, cross-platform application development
Ed and Paul got to talking one day: Paul had been researching various multiplatform GUI toolkits for about 18 months, and Ed has lots of experience developing the Visual FoxPro Codebook framework. We decided to work together to make a framework for developing robust data-centric applications for multi-platform deployment. We've come up with a design that is simple, flexible, and robust, and we've begun developing our own client applications using the Dabo framework.
Dabo is not complete, but is very capable now for many needs
(5 marks)