October 2007
Dynamic scripting languages
Java 6 introduces native support for dynamic scripting languages (JSR 223, scripting languages and Java technology.) This BOF session brings together leaders, users, and critics from the Jython, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, and many other scripting camps for an exchange of ideas to develop a common understanding of the state of the art and practical examples of using dynamic scripting languages to solve problems
March 2007
javascript, java, python
When I wrote Java, Groovy and (J)Ruby, Owen Densmore and Lawrence Oluyede suggested that I should include Jython as well. Here it is.... JavaScript and Jython for Java programmers. Note that while I am reasonably comfortable with Java and JavaScript, I don't know much about Jython. If you find anything wrong here, please let me know. I used Jython version 2.1. For JavaScript, I used Rhino 1.6R2 that is co-bundled with JDK 6. The jsr-223 script engine for Jython and many other languages are avaiable at http://scripting.dev.java.net
(2 marks)