public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rike_ with tag archive


LLOW - Languages of the World - LanguageServer - University of Graz

The LLOW-database is work in progress and this version is restricted to what you see and what you get. The ultimate aim is to arrive at an extensive description of all languages of the world on the basis of linguistic-genetic (language families, clusters, ...) and sociolinguistic (status as official language, minority language, ...) criteria as well as social-, geopolitical and geographical parameters (number of speakers, geographical extension, ...). In addition to this literature references, internet-links, short texts on the individual language families and groups as well as text- and audio samples of individual languages will be offered.

Subterranea Britannica

study and investigation of all man-made and man.used underground places.

Georges Bataille Electronic Library

Georges Bataille (1897-1962) was by profession a librarian at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. In his off hours, however, he was also a fringe Surrealist, vanguard intellectual, and writer of a wide-ranging body of work that includes philosophy, economics, poetry, and pornography. In all of these writings, Bataille was concerned to articulate a "science of the heterogeneous," a philosophy of everything repudiated by civil society: shit, blood, sacrifice, deviance, violence. The wellsprings of this philosophy apparently lay in personal experience — in particular his childhood with a suicidal mother and a blind, syphilitic father — and yet his ideas resonated deeply with other mid-century philosophy (for example, shit in Bataille's system was analogous to the "other" in Phenomenology and Existentialism) and helped to pave the way to contemporary "theory."


Ideas worth spreading, online videos, streaming, talks, conferences, download video/sound

The International Dada Archive

by 1 other
Founded in 1979 as part of the Dada Archive and Research Center, the International Dada Archive is a scholarly resource for the study of the historic Dada movement. The Archive has compiled a comprehensive collection of documentation and scholarship relating to Dada.

Public Library of Science

by 6 others
PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. All our activities are guided by our core principles.

GODS of Japan, A-to-Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Buddhism (Buddhist & Shinto Deities)

After moving to Kamakura in 1993, I became intrigued by the many deities and faces of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism. There are dozens of temples and shrines near my home, many dating from the 8th to 13th centuries, many open to the public. There are now 2,000 photos in this library, ranging from the treasures of Kamakura to those of Nara, Kyoto, and elsewhere in Japan.


Acme Novelty Archive v3.0

by 1 other
The Acme Novelty Archive is an unofficial directory of the works of Mr. F.C. Ware. If you think you've spotted a mistake, or found something that's not in the database, you can let us know here, or by clicking the 'Correct an error' link on each item's page. If you've got an image you'd like to contribute, you can submit it here, or by using the 'Submit an image' link on each item's page.

extreme berlinering - wörterbuch

"Jebumfidelt" ist kein schlechtes Wort und schon gar nichts "versautes". Mit "pimpeln" verhält es sich genauso. "JWD" ist keine neue Partei und eine "Keule" kann man nicht unbedingt essen. Genauso wenig kann man Brötchen in der Bäckerei bekommen und auf gar keinen Fall sollte man dort 6 Berliner ordern...


Cartome, a companion site to Cryptome, is an archive of news and spatial / geographic documents on privacy, cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence -- communicated by imagery systems: cartography, photography, photogrammetry, steganography, camouflage, maps, images, drawings, charts, diagrams, IMINT and their reverse-panopticon and counter-deception potential. (seems not maintained anymore however)


by 1 other
espionnage/cryptography vast archive is the most comprehensive photobooth resource on the internet.


Iranian Typography Now

by 1 other
The past few years have been quite exciting for Iranian graphic designers. As Iran’s design gains more international attention, the graphic designers face new challenges and rewards. In winter 2002 a poster exhibition by Iranian graphic designers called “Un Cri Persan” (A Persian Cry) was held in the city of Echirolles as a part of the Month of Graphic Design in France.

the Obakemono Project

by 2 others
a gaijin's guide to japan's folk moonsters

Internet Sacred Text Archive

by 1 other
largest freely available archive of full-text books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web.


by 1 other
Bibliothèque Libertaire en ligne

[Centre de Ressource Libre et Experimental]

L’idée, c’est de partager les découvertes faites sur le net et de proposer à d’autres chercheurs-surfeurs de compléter ce centre de ressources documentaire qui se veut collectif.