Support et fixation GPS, support pda et support gps moto | Smartroute.fr
Outil pour scanner une carte et récupèrer les waypoints
Navteq - Maps for your Renault Navigation System
renault carminat systèmes
With this site we offer a place to share all kinds of Navigational Points of Interest for the whole of Europe and the USA. Members from this site have the ability to add, change and download these POIs easily. We have an active community of members throughout Europe and the USA who contribute to a large database of POIs (eg speedcams) catering for all types of travelers.
Come and join this exciting community dedicated to providing quality Points of Interest, here at poihandler.com. You will find here POIs like speedcams (gatso), hotels, restaurants etc.
GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map, the map file is autoselected depending of the position and prefered scale. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from Internet. All Garmin GPS reveiver with a serial output should be usable, also other GPS receiver which supports NMEA protocol.
GpsDrive is written in C with use of the GTK graphic toolkit and runs with Linux and FreeBSD.
Marine Navigation & Charting Application for OS X
GPSNavX™ is the very affordable solution for the boater that wants to take the Mac aboard for real-time display of position on full color marine raster format BSB and Softcharts.
Plug your GPS into your Mac and watch as your boat moves along in real-time, plotting a track behind the boat and logging your historic position on a digital chart
by 1 other (via)GPS Connectivity for your Macintosh
LoadMyTracks is a piece of software that will communicate with GPS devices from many manufacturers to send and receive data. It can also be used to translate data between the popular GPX and KML (Google Earth) formats.
The software provides support for Waypoints (single locations in space), Routes (lists of waypoints that can be used as instructions of where to go, Tracks (the breadcrumbs that many GPS devices keep to show where you have been) and additional data that may vary by device.
Sony GPS-CS1 for Mac
blog à propos su sony GPS-CS1 et du mac
PhotoGPSEditor is an easy to use meta-data editor for photo files, plus it can match data from GPS (gpx or NMEA) files. The program is freeware, however, donations can be made to help support future development.
MotionBased | Home
by 2 othersMotionBased is a web application that translates GPS data into functional analysis and online mapping for endurance and outdoor athletes
Wayhoo.com - GPS Waypoints / Geographic Coordinates
This site provides a geographic coordinate database consisting of 1.7 million records from the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
Wayhoo uses an online implementation of GPSBabel to create datafiles compatible with many popular software packages. Freeware and shareware waypoint manager applications include EasyGPS, GPS_Utility, and GPS_TrackMaker. Waypoints can be downloaded into most GPS receivers, including Garmin, Magellan, Lowrance and GPS-enabled PDA devices, by connecting the receiver to a computer using an interface cable.
GPS Visualizer: Interface de Web à GPSBabel
GPS Babel est un gratuiciel qui convertit les formats de fichiers GPS. Vous pouvez télécharger et exécuter GPS Babel sur quasiment tous les PC, mais son interface (ligne de commande) demande un apprentissage. C'est pourquoi j'ai créé cette passerelle en ligne qui vous donne la possibilité d'exécuter GPS Babel à partir de GPSVisualizer.com. Bien sûr, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette page pour communiquer avec votre GPS ni utiliser certains fonctionnalités très avancées de GPS Babel (telles que les filtres ou les fichiers XCSV personnalisés).
traces gps de winsurfeurs
GpsActionReplay (www.gpsactionreplay.com)
logiciel java pour suivre des traces GPS
MacDevCenter.com -- A Brief Introduction to GPS Photo Linking
by 1 other (via)Do you ever look back through your vacation photos and wonder where all of the photos were taken? What if there was a way to have all those images automatically show up as pins on a map or an aerial photograph? It may seem too good to be true, but it can be done. No mirrors or smoke; it's just making use of existing GPS technology.
(via)Geotagger is a droplet for inserting GPS coordinates into your photos.
Simply position Google Earth (version 4 only) over the location you wish to insert into your images, then drag your images (jpegs only) onto the Geotagger icon. Once the images are tagged the information stays with them so you can import them to iPhoto, upload them to Flickr or Panoramio or any number of other things. If you choose iPhoto you may want to check out a plugin I wrote that will export your photos to a KMZ file that you can open in Google Earth and see your photos on the globe.
by 3 othersGPSPhotoLinker can be used to save location and GPS position data to a photo. The latitude and longitude recorded by your GPS unit while you were taking photos can be linked, and saved, to the photos. GPSPhotoLinker automatically enters the city, state, and country annotations into the metadata.