Burn - Home
There are a lot of ways to approach burning discs. Burn keeps it simple, but still offers a lot of advanced options.
Burn to the Brim
(via)Burn to the Brim is an open-source freeware program designed to make selection of files to optimally fill a CD a breeze.
by 6 others (via)InfraRecorder is a free CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows. It offers a wide range of powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration.
DeepBurner will be able to solve most of your burning needs: be it burning of Data/Audio/Video CDs, all types of DVDs, composing photo albums and even burning backups. Every operation starts with a simple wizard, thus virtually everyone can use DeepBurner.
LiquidCD est un logiciel gratuit pour la gravure de CD/DVD pour Mac OS X.
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