public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rrhobbs with tag money


Truth Financial Network

Truth Financial Network

Your Trusted Advisor For Everyday Services - BillShrink

Your Trusted Advisor For Everyday Services - BillShrink


Digg - How bad is our economy? - Los Angeles Times

Digg - How bad is our economy? - Los Angeles Times | Robert Kuttner says the failed bailout bill would have helped the wrong people. J.D. Foster says the U.S. faces a fiscal crisis far greater than Wall Street's current malaise.

Ad spending in steepest drop since 2001

By Paul Thomasch NEW YORK (Reuters) - Advertising spending in the second quarter suffered its biggest drop since the last U.S. recession, declining 3.7 percent as corporations responded to economic worries by curtailing their marketing budgets, a...

FBI probes firms at heart of meltdown - Dallas Business Journal:

FBI probes firms at heart of meltdown - Dallas Business Journal:


by 2 others
"I have too much stuff. Most people in America do. In fact, the poorer people are, the more stuff they seem to have. Hardly anyone is so poor that they can't afford a front yard full of old cars."

Simple Dollar at

"The Simple Dollar is for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two.”

10 Common Mistakes Starting a New Business at

"These probably apply to any small business owner, new business or not (like moi?) unless you are Google or something…"

Credit Crunch? Maybe Hope at

"CNN Money | Many unaware of mortgage help: Freddie Mac | January 31 2008: 1:01 PM EST | Survey says more than half of delinquent mortgage borrowers still unaware of ways to avoid foreclosure."

Only in New York City!

"NY Times: One Person’s Trash Is Another Person’s Lost Masterpiece | By CAROL VOGEL | Published: October 23, 2007"

Tax Tips for Freelance Professionals

Here are some tips and strategies for thinking about your taxes. There are special circumstances that apply to freelance writers and other creative professionals, so I will highlight what you need to know to prepare your taxes and to avoid IRS investigati