public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sebastien with tag université

February 2007

December 2006

Boîte noire » Blogs universitaires

Umberto Eco, Bruno Latour et David Lodge s’accordent pour l’écrire : les universitaires sont des gens bizarres. Il y a une vieille blague que ressortent presque tous les livres sur la conscience, l’histoire de deux psychologues béhavioristes qui font l’amour, et après l’un dit à l’autre : pour toi, c’était bien, comment c’était pour moi ? David Lodge, Pensées secrètes, Payot Rivages, 2001, p. 59 Pour ceux d’entre vous qui souhaiteraient passer plus de temps aux côtés de ces drôles de bestioles, voici une liste non exhaustive de blogs universitaires français, qui constitue une mise à jour de ma liste précédente1.

November 2006

Internet Applications Development (MSc)

The course provides an opportunity to study various applications that run on the internet, acquire relevant skills and develop an understanding of the issues surrounding the internet. The internet is a relatively recent development and it is only during the last decade that businesses, political organisations, lobby groups, media organisations, artists and educators have used the internet as a major tool for communication. The course attracts those who wish to develop internet applications in one of these areas or move into areas such as e-commerce, games, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C).

IT Consultancy (MSc)

The course provides an introduction to the various aspects of consultancy with specific emphasis on IT. You will develop an appreciation of IT systems development and services at corporate, national and international levels, and an understanding of relevant methodologies. An appreciation of the complex human and organisational aspects of working in the IT industry will be gained. In addition, you will develop the research, technical, communication, professional and other skills necessary to be effective in IT or in the research community.

Université de Lyon - France - Après-midi handicap et conférence de Julia Kristeva

Le Pôle Universitaire de Lyon organise le mardi 21 novembre prochain un après-midi consacré au handicap. Au programme : un spectacle, un débat et la Grande Conférence de Lyon prononcée par Julia Kristeva.

MSc in E-Business & Innovation (Masters eBusiness)

roviding students with the management, entrepreneurial and ICT knowledge required for managing enterprises driven by innovations in e-business.

MSc Information Technology, Management & Organisational Change (ITMOC)

The ITMOC programme is a one-year full-time Masters programme. We provide our students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective IT managers and consultants. Entry is normally based on a good first degree or an equivalent professional qualification. The programme looks at the development, management, organisation and use of information technology within and between organisations. We provide our students with a conceptual and practical knowledge of the management of IT and IT-induced change.

Course Summary - MSc Web Development at Kingston University

A growing number of businesses are concerned with increasing the strategic exploitation of technology and are using the web in rapidly changing and increasingly complex and critical ways. The MSc Web Development course will equip you with the appropriate business, technical and personal skills, along with the vision and technical competence to design and develop complex web systems, as well as integrate them into industry and business environments.

University of Wolverhampton - MSc Strategic Information Technology Management

* This programme is aimed at graduates who wish to maximise their potential within the computing information management area * Also available as a more specialised MSc Strategic Information Technology Management (Health) - designed to meet the requirements for the NHS Professional Award in IM&T in Healthcare at Vocational Level Five * The course is delivered in block mode - each module will consist of a reading period in which you will be expected to carry out some preliminary work, followed by four days at the Telford Campus (this will incorporate a weekend) where formal teaching will take place * This will be followed by an assessment period in which you will have set work to be completed by a specified date * Blocks are offered at approximately two-monthly intervals and can be tailored to suit your own circumstances * Computing graduates or graduates with suitable experience will study six core modules, two electives, plus a research project * The framework for IM&T awards incorporates modules of 20 credits at Level Five which are mapped to a combination of standard academic credits plus additional work-based credits

UCLAN - Department of Computing - MSc Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the branch of Computing that is concerned with how users interact with computer systems. This includes the roles of users in the analysis, design, and evaluation of systems, as well as methods for the system developer to create usable and useful interactive products for people, and extends to consideration of social aspects of computer use.

sebastien's TAGS related to tag université

blog +   conférence +   conseil +   e-business +   emploi +   grande-bretagne +   handicap +   informatique +   internet +   job d'été +   lyon +   management +   étudiant +   évènement +   postgraduate +   utilisabilité +   web +