August 2010
The Power of the UNIX Command-Line
One of the most novel and differentiating features of a UNIX system is its command line. With just a few keystrokes, including a bit of "glue", you can use the command line to combine the finite set of UNIX utilities into innumerable, impromptu data transforms. These articles will teach you the basics of the UNIX shell and discover how you can use the command line:
July 2010
vi tips and tricks: Ten cool commands
Amaze your friends with cool vi tips and tricks that will improve the efficiency of your file editing. This article takes you through ten of the less well-known vi commands that should form part of any serious vi user's toolkit.
Quick Demo: Ubuntu Linux solution stack implementation
Learn how to download and install a Ubuntu image and then go through some basic shell commands to help you navigate through the Linux environment. This is part 1 of a 4 part demo series to show you how to implement a solution stack (Rational Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server, and DB2 Express-C) on Ubuntu Linux, as well as how to integrate them in a Java application.
June 2010
Deep-protocol analysis of UNIX networks
Some UNIX protocols need investigation to understand what they are doing and what information they are exchanging. In this article, we will take a look at techniques for performing detailed analysis of the protocols in use on your UNIX network.
Learn Linux, 101: Create and change hard and symbolic links
Learn how to create and manage hard and symbolic links to files on your Linux system. Explore the differences between hard and soft, or symbolic, links and the best ways to link to files, as opposed to copying files.
May 2010
The best-kept secrets of UNIX power users
You don't have to break into a Watergate office to uncover the secrets of UNIX power users. There's an informant, and he's spilling the beans. Learn why Environment Variables, the dot file, and the Secure Shell (SSH)are very important.
Distributed data processing with Hadoop
This article explores the Hadoop framework, including its fundamental elements, such as the Hadoop file system (HDFS), and node types that are commonly used. Learn how to install and configure a single-node Hadoop cluster, and delve into the MapReduce application. Finally, discover ways to monitor and manage Hadoop using its core Web interfaces.
Learn Read Hat RPM and Yellowdog YUM package management
Learn how to install, upgrade and manage packages on your Linux system. This article focuses on the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) developed by Red Hat, as well as the Yellowdog Updater Modified (YUM). Explore the best ways to add new software and keep your system current.
Ceph: A Linux petabyte-scale distributed file system
A recent addition to Linux's impressive selection of file systems is Ceph, a distributed file system that incorporates replication and fault tolerance while maintaining POSIX compatibility. Explore the architecture of Ceph and learn how it provides fault tolerance and simplifies the management of massive amounts of data.
April 2010
Linux on 4KB-sector disks: Practical advice
This article examines the implications of 4KB-sector disks, including benchmark tests illustrating the likely real-world effects on some common Linux file systems. As disks with 4096-byte sectors become more common throughout 2010 and beyond, strategies for coping with these new disks will become increasingly important.
Open source software is no longer just for alpha-geeks
This article humbley attempts to convince you that open source software is a solution for some subset of problems and that some of your problems most likely exist within that subset. See how open source is a flexible, usable approach to efficiency in your work environment.
Anatomy of Linux Kernel Shared Memory
An interesting change in the 2.6.32 kernel is Kernel Shared Memory (KSM). KSM allows the hypervisor to increase the number of concurrent virtual machines by consolidating identical memory pages. Explore the ideas behind KSM (such as storage de-duplication), its implementation, and how you manage it.
Kernel APIs, Part 3: Timers and lists in the 2.6 kernel
The Linux® kernel includes a variety of APIs intended to help developers build simpler and more efficient driver and kernel applications. Two of the more common APIs that can be used for work deferral are the list management and timer APIs. Discover these APIs, and learn how to develop kernel applications with timers and lists.
Kernel APIs, Part 2: Deferrable functions, kernel tasklets, and work queues
For high-frequency threaded operations, the Linux® kernel provides tasklets and work queues. Tasklets and work queues implement deferrable functionality and replace the older bottom-half mechanism for drivers. This article explores the use of tasklets and work queues in the kernel and shows you how to build deferrable functions with these APIs.
Kernel APIs, Part 1: Invoking user-space applications from the kernel
The Linux® system call interface permits user-space applications to invoke functionality in the kernel, but what about invoking user-space applications from the kernel? Explore the usermode-helper API, and learn how to invoke user-space applications and manipulate their output.
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