April 2009
build sophisticated web widgets using the Dojo Javascript Toolkit
Dojo is an open source, JavaScript-based toolkit for developing dynamic HTML Web applications. Dojo allows you to quickly build widgets that can be more complex than standard HTML widgets. The goal of this article is to give you the basics for developing HTML widgets starting with simple widgets and moving up to more complex ones using Dojo.
September 2008
Build a simple Ajax WYSIWYG Web page editor
This article describes a simple system that lets users of your Web site build their own Web pages. With it, they can place text and images on their page, arrange them to their liking, and save their work. Build a simple Ajax system that lets your users assemble pages by adding and arranging pre-made widgets. The code in this article stands alone, without any third-party libraries and includes most of the elements of a substantial GUI application.
(2 marks)