October 2007
Using Yahoo Web voiceXML search
This article shows you how to build a web search application that take VoiceXML as input and queries the Yahoo Search API for both basic Web searches and Yahoo local searches. The query returns information about businesses within a specific location and region. The application then reads the results to the caller after submission.
March 2007
Faster Mashups with Yahoo Pipes and QEDWiki
QEDWiki is a browser-based assembly canvas used to create simple mash-ups. Recently, Yahoo released Yahoo Pipes as an example tool for mashing together data sources to create new content views (feeds). A content generation tool such as Yahoo Pipes acts as an accelerator for the creation of composite content services from Atom, and RSS. The combination of Yahoo Pipes and QEDWiki demonstrates an ideal approach for content generation and consumption in enterprise mashups. See how easily the combination of Yahoo Pipes and QEDWiki work together to help you build mashups much faster.
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