public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from soni2006 with tag thevideosense

June 2007

Learn to earn money with Google Adsense in India

Do you know how you can create a google adsense account and add google adsense in beta blogger and you free sites and paid sites. If you do not know, I will provide you with some step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

May 2007

March 2007

DRAG: A Stylistic Documentary on the Epidemic of College Smoking

DRAG is a stylistic documentary providing awareness about what might be the least known public health problem in a country known as COLLEGE SMOKING.


Several types of surgeries exist for treating mesothelioma. A pleurectomy removes part of the chest or abdominal lining and the surrounding tissue. Physicians most often use the pleurectomy as a palliative procedure to relieve pain and prevent pleural effusion, or the build-up of fluid between the lungs and the chest cavity.


Peritoneal mesothelioma is also known as abdominal mesothelioma. In simple words, peritoneal mesothelioma relates to cancer of the lining of abdomen and other abdominal structures. It is also the least common type of mesothelioma and occurs only in 30% to 35% of diagnosed cases in 100 to 500 cases normally. The cells of the mesothelium create fluid, but the cancer causes them to overproduce and this creates a lot of fluid causing infection in the abdominal cavity.