January 2008
April 2007
The perfect network server
So you need a server? Not a web server of course, you rent someone else’s for that. No, you need a file server, print server, intranet, mail server and more. Can free software provide the answer? Of course it can.
September 2006
Howto install of Qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap...
by 2 othersQMAIL + Vpopmail + courier-imap + Qmailadmin + MySql + Spamassassin + clamav + Squirrelmail + stats (Isoqlog, qms-analog, qmailanalog & qmail MRTG) under Linux
Qmail on Debian
Installing Qmail . apt-get install ucspi-tcp-src apt-get install qmail-src apt-get install procmail build-ucspi-tcp
Google Trends: debian, redhat, fedora, centos, ubuntu
compares growth of popular linux distros... google trends
August 2006
(6 marks)