May 2007
Reply For You: Optimizing Windows XP Services
Windows XP starts a lot of different services, as engine of the whole Windows system. However, some of them won't be of any use for you! By quitting those unused services, you can realize higher system performances.
Microsoft TechNet: Windows Sysinternals
by 9 othersgreat list of performance tuning software programs
October 2006
ePhemBlog » Archive » A faster Windows XP? Here’s how!
Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your computer.
Significant Performance Boost For XP
by 8 othersDo you want to make the very best use of your computer's RAM? There are thousands of websites offering performance tweaks for XP and you could spend the next week or more researching the ones you might like to perform, or you can save yourself a lot of bo
July 2006
ProfitPapers | Papers : Performance Tuning Mysql for Load
by 3 othersOn one of the largest Vbulletin based forums I operate we just finished a record month with a little over 217,000 uniques with just shy of half a million total users. As anyone else running a big board knows hitting these types of figures while maintainin
Simon's Software Stuff: SQL Server performance tips
Does your SQL statement have a WHERE clause? I know this sounds obvious, but don't retrieve more data than you need. However, less obvious is that even if your SELECT statement retrieves the same quantity of data without a WHERE clause, it may run faster
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