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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag "google maps"



Styling Wizard: Google Maps APIs

Customize colors, roads, labels, and more. Then use your custom style in your Google Maps APIs project.


gmaps.js — Google Maps API with less pain and more fun

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gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way. No more extensive documentation or large amount of code.


MapStylr | Your unique google map style.

MapStylr is a free online tool that helps you create, store and publish unique google map styles.

Create Zoomable Images Using The Google Maps API | Mike Gleason jr's Blog

by 1 other
Anyways, I'm pleased to show you two samples today: they both let you navigate into an image using the Google Maps engine. I'm also giving up the necessary tools to do it yourself. Enjoy!


Google Street View Hyperlapse

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A Teehan+Lax Labs experiment for creating interactive Google Street View hyper-lapse animations.


Tarnac, magasin général | David Dufresne - Carte

11 novembre 2008. 150 policiers investissent Tarnac, un village de Corrèze, pour arrêter Julien Coupat et ses amis, suspectés d’avoir saboté quatre lignes TGV. Les interpellations se font sous l’œil des caméras : il s’agit de prouver à l’opinion publique l’efficacité de la DCRI, le « FBI à la Française » voulue par Nicolas Sarkozy. C’est le début d’un terrible fiasco. Tarnac Magasin Général est le pendant web du livre publié par David Dufresne, fruit de 3 ans d’enquête acharnée.

geoxml3 - KML processor for the Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Google Project Hosting

he geoxml3 project is an effort to develop a KML processor for use with Version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. This API is specifically designed to be lightweight and modular; accordingly, it did not originally contain the built-in KML support of Version 2. This library was originally intended to fill that need; as KML support has been added natively in Version 3, it now allows access to individual markers, polylines and polygons, rendered from KML.


Photos pour les entreprises avec Google

Chaque jour, des millions d'internautes utilisent Google pour obtenir des informations sur des entreprises. Faites connaître votre entreprise à ces clients potentiels en vous inscrivant à une séance photo avec un photographe agréé par Google. Les photos figureront sur la page Google Adresses de votre entreprise et seront également disponibles sous forme d'images à 360°, grâce à la technologie Street View.

API de Google Maps : des requêtes désormais payantes

by 1 other
Google impose désormais une restriction à 25.000 chargements par jour via l’API de Google Maps. Au-delà, il faudra s’acquitter de 4 dollars par 1.000 requêtes supplémentaires, ou acquérir une licence Maps API Premier, dont le prix démarre à 10.000 dollars par an.


Welcome to Follow Your World (beta). Find out when new imagery is available in both Google Maps and Google Earth. It's simple. Search for your location, mark the point, and submit. Each time we update the satellite and aerial imagery in your area of interest, we'll notify you.


Mapstraction - a javascript library to hide differences between mapping APIs.

by 15 others
Mapstraction is a library that provides a common API for various javascript mapping APIs to enable switching from one to another as smoothly as possible. Developers can code their applications once, and then easily switch mapping provider based on project needs, terms and conditions, and new functionality.

Google Plans to Upgrade Old Billboards in Street View

This patent, which was originally filed on July 7, 2008, describes a new system for promoting ads in online mapping applications. In this patent, Google describes how it plans to identify buildings, posters, signs and billboards in these images and give advertisers the ability to replace these images with more up-to-date ads. In addition, Google also seems to plan an advertising auction for unclaimed properties.


Google Maps vu sous un nouvel angle - Zorgloob - Tout savoir sur Google... ou presque !

Les développeurs peuvent désormais utiliser les images aériennes pour deux villes des États-Unis.

Official Google Mobile Blog: Announcing Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0

Today we're excited to announce the next step for Google Maps for mobile: Google Maps Navigation (Beta) for Android 2.0 devices.

Google LatLong: Evolving the look of Google Maps

Today the Google Maps team is rolling out a number of refinements to the look and feel of our maps, the biggest such changes since we first launched about 4.7 years ago. In that time we've been steadily adding details like walkways, address labels, bus stops, new country coverage, and improved satellite imagery, but the look of the map hasn't changed much.

Monopoly City Streets

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On the 9th SEPTEMBER, a world of property empire building on an unimaginable scale will be launched! A live worldwide game of MONOPOLY using Google Maps as the game board. The goal is simple. Play to beat your friends and the world to become the richest property magnate in existence.

[Google Maps] Les conditions du trafic routier accessibles sur Google Maps mobile

Si vous utilisez Google Maps pour Mobile avec le GPS activé sur votre téléphone, vous pouvez faire ceci. Lorsque vous activez le GPS dans Google Maps, votre téléphone envoie des données anonymes aux serveurs de Google décrivant votre vitesse de déplacement. En combinant votre vitesse avec la vitesse des autres téléphones sur la route, parmi les milliers de téléphones en déplacement dans une ville à un instant donné, nous pouvons établir une image plutôt précise des conditions du trafic routier. Nous combinons ces données en continue et vous les renvoyons gratuitement via le calque Trafic de Google Maps. Aucun effort requis de votre part — activez simplement Google Maps pour mobile avant de démarrer votre voiture — et plus la participation est forte, plus les résultats sont fiables.

Google Geo Developers Blog: Announcing the Google Qualified JS Maps Developer program


Last week at Google I/O we released the Google Maps API (JavaScript version) addition to the Developer Qualification program. Designed for professionals who currently develop or want to develop applications based on Google and Google-sponsored Open Source APIs, the Google Qualified Developer program will help promote developers to the Google community, provide credibility, and leverage the wisdom of the masses in rating and recognizing best in class developers. In this program, we assess developers in four areas, each of which provides a score towards an overall total required for qualification. Developers must maintain a minimum number of points to remain qualified within the program. Points are awarded for examples of development work, community participation, professional references, and scores on examinations.