Windows Phone 7 : Ie9 version Windows Phone 7 est prêt | meltyStyle
Microsoft, you should be ashamed - <Glazblog/>
(via)Yes. And despite the very nice IE 9 preview that shows real progress on Web Standards. I just found that page that shows, holly miracle, that MSIE9 Preview passes 100% of the tests written by... the IE team and submitted to the W3C. Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool to show that IE9 passes these tests while other browsers don't? It easily forgets that there are thousands of other tests that IE does not pass, that there are tons of specs that Mozilla, Webkit and Opera all implement but not Microsoft...
Un aperçu d'Internet Explorer 9 - Standblog
(via)Comment Microsoft va-t-il pousser les utilisateurs d'anciennes versions d'IE à passer à IE 9 ? Combien de temps encore les développeurs Web – et donc le Web en général – devra-t-il traîner IE 6, le boulet du Web ?
Internet Explorer 9: Microsoft Reveals First Details
The new browser is very early in the development process. It’s only been in development for three weeks, as Windows 7’s release took precedent, thus there are not many details for IE9. However, the theme seems to be that IE9 is going to adhere and even improve upon web standards (albeit “responsibly”).