public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag migration


Upgrading apps to Angular 2 using ngUpgrade

Upgrading an existing AngularJS application to Angular 2 is surely one of the most interesting topics when it comes to Angular 2. A long time it has been unclear what a dedicated upgrade path will actually look like, since Angular 2 is still in alpha state and APIs aren’t stable yet, which makes it hard to “assume” where things will go and what’s the best way to get there.

Howto: One time migration from SVN to GitLab with non-standard SVN layout | Igor's Blog

I've finally got around to moving the SVN repository that supports all the source code for this blog to Git, specifically GitLab. There were a few hurdles and I came across and many existing articles were useful but didn't quite address my specific case.


google-blog-converters-appengine - Google Code

by 2 others
This project contains a number of converters to and from different Blog services. The code is written in Python with scripts to execute the conversions either on the command-line, through a Windows batch script, or hosted on Google App Engine.


De blogmarks a delicious | xavier sarrate

by 4 others

Hoy intentaba migrar los datos de Blogmarks a (siempre hay que dar una segunda oportunidad =) pero ha sido imposible: la exportación de blogmarks a (puedes elegirlo como destino de exportación) no funciona. El fichero XML exportado no tiene nada que ver con el que debería ser, pero es bastante sencillo parsear el contenido para conseguir el resultado deseado.

Por si alguien necesita la misma funcionalidad, he escrito un pequeño parser. Para utilizarlo sólo tienes que seleccionar el fichero generado por Blogmarks y pulsar en el botón convertir

srcmax's TAGS related to tag migration

angular +   blog +   blogger + + +   git +   gitlab +   google +   how to +   Livejournal +   svn +   tools +   typepad +   veille +   wordpress +