public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag barry

04 September 2008 19:00

In Memory of Barry Stevens

Fritz Perls described the late Barry Stevens as "a natural born therapist." Best known in Gestalt circles for her book, Don't Push the River, which describes her involvement with Perls's "Gestalt Kibbutz" at Cowichan Lake in British Columbia, Canada, she also co-wrote, with Carl Rogers, Between Person and Person. Her last book, published shortly before she died, was Burst Out Laughing.

04 September 2008 18:45

Barry Stevens (therapist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barry Stevens (therapist) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Barry Stevens (1902-1985) was a writer and Gestalt therapist. She developed her own form of Gestalt therapy body work, based on the awareness of body processes. For the human potential movement of the 1970s, she became a kind of "star", but she always refused to accept that role. She worked - among others - with the psychotherapists Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers. Bertrand Russel and Aldous Huxley were among her friends.