08 August 2008 19:00
EU AQUI COM O fedora9 livecd GNOME
08 August 2008 18:45
creativecommons.org international
EU AQUI COM O fedora9 LIVECD live cd GNOME
Creative Commons International (CCi) works to "port" the core Creative Commons Licenses to different copyright legislations around the world. The porting process involves both linguistically translating the licenses and legally adapting them to particular jurisdictions.
This work is lead by CCi director Catharina Maracke (email) and volunteer teams in each jurisdiction who are committed to introducing CC to their country and who consult extensively with members of the public and key stakeholders in an effort to adapt the CC licenses to their jurisdiction.
A complete overview of the porting process can be found here: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/International_Overview.
(2 marks)