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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag desktop


KDE neon

Make Computing Your Own with Plasma Desktop We think that your desktop is YOUR desktop. Make it unique with the option to dive into every minimal detail from visuals to work patterns. Plasma Desktop from the KDE community is a smart, effective, and beautiful environment from the very first time you start it. Using KDE neon, Plasma and KDE applications will be continuously updated, so no more waiting, adding package archives or downloading source code if you want what’s new.

Scribus download |

Scribus Powerful desktop publishing software Brought to you by: cbradney, jghali, kunda1, mrdocs, and 2 others Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Windows desktops with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design. Underneath a modern and user-friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.


Ubuntu -- Details of package istanbul in lucid

Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video Istanbul is a desktop session recorder for the Free Desktop. It records your session into an Ogg Theora video file. To start the recording, you click on its icon in the notification area. To stop you click its icon again. It can make a screencast of the full screen or just of an area of the screen. It is even capable of recording audio from the default input channel. It works on GNOME, KDE, Xfce and others. Other Packages Related to istanbul

Istanbul - GNOME Live!

FAQ 'Why is it so sluggish when recording?' The problem is that the theora encoder takes up a lot of CPU power. Things you can do to reduce that effect: i) use libtheora 1.0alpha6 or greater. This will speed up on x86 and amd64 architectures. ii) record at a lower width and height iii) select a smaller part of the screen. Development Development is done in GNOME git. Clone the repository using: git clone git:// Contact Contact me at zaheerabbas at merali dot org Feel free to submit patches, especially UI patches to the Istanbul product in GNOME Bugzilla! CategoryProject Istanbul (last edited 2010-03-25 21:40:12 by ZeeshanAli)

Lubuntu 10.04 is now available for download | lubuntu

lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. The lubuntu team aims to earn official endorsement from Canonical. Please join us. Read more.. Lubuntu 10.04 is now available for download Sun, 05/02/2010 - 23:39 — Mario Behling Julien Lavergne released the final "stable beta" version of lubuntu 10.04. - Torrent : - Direct download : - MD5Sum:

lubuntu | light Ubuntu for faster computing

by 1 other
lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. The lubuntu team aims to earn official endorsement from Canonical. Please join us. Read more..


live/ devel/ Edit | RecentChanges | History | Preferences | ?Discussion | live-manual About This is the documentation for Debian Live project. It provides a broad overview of the tools and philosophy of Debian Live, as well as providing details on how live systems may be built and customised by end users and developers.

Debian Live Project

Debian Live Project Live Debian systems! Live Manual This manual is under heavy construction. Please report errors, omissions, patches and suggestions to our mailinglist at and read about how to contribute to the manual.

Ubuntu Perfeito – versão 7.10 « Hamacker's Palace

Ubuntu Perfeito – versão 7.10 Estou preparando um passo-a-passo de tudo que tenho de fazer para meu desktop usando Ubuntu/GNOME ficar perfeito para meu uso genérico, isto é, ser uma distro caseira (tocar vários formatos de audio/video, programas para internet, utilitários importantes e personalizações) e também para trabalho (compilação, virtualização, compartilhamento,…) que deixarão meu Ubuntu muito mais completo. Como gosto de compartilhar as coisas, esta receita pode ser usada por você também. Esta receita com vários passos funciona no Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) e também no Hardy Heron (8.04), mas preste atenção que em alguns pontos há observações dizendo que algumas instruções só vale para um ou para o outro. Podem faltar opções neste guia que você julgue imprescindíveis, não obstante, a intenção não é instalar tudo ou ter um guia perfeito para todos, e sim apenas incluir personalizações mínimas pós-instalação e depois você incluirá aquilo que ainda lhe falte.

Ubuntu Perfeito – versao 8.04 « Hamacker's Palace

Ubuntu Perfeito – versao 8.04 Essa é uma nova compilação do Ubuntu Perfeito para ser funcional apenas no Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04. A intenção deste guia é deixar o Ubuntu/GNOME perfeito para um uso genérico, isto é, perfeito para usa-lo como desktop no trabalho e também em casa. A situação atual do mundo é manifestada por pessoas que querem usar seu computador genericamente, isto é, em casa tem de estar preparado para tocar vários formatos de áudio/vídeo, programas para internet, utilitários importantes e personalizações e no trabalho estar preparado para editoração de documentos, compilação, virtualização, compartilhamento e uma série de outras tarefas. Este guia poderá ser seguido também por outras distribuições, especialmente as baseadas em debian. Podem faltar opções neste guia que você julgue imprescindíveis, não obstante, a intenção não é instalar tudo ou ter um guia perfeito para todos, e sim apenas incluir personalizações mínimas pós-instalação e depois você incluirá aquilo que ainda lhe falte.

Tecnologia que interessa!: Deixe seu Ubuntu perfeito

Excelente artigo do Hamacker explica passo a passo como instalar tudo que você precisa para que seu Ubuntu fique perfeito. É leitura obrigatória pra quem usa Ubuntu, e pra quem quer ver o quanto ele pode ser personalizado. Postado por Christian às 11:52 - The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com Follow me on Twitter Last edited 05/03/2010 This tutorial shows how you can set up an Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

KubuntuKarmicNetbook - Ubuntu Wiki

* KubuntuKarmicNetbook You are here: Kubuntu Wiki » KubuntuKarmicNetbook * Launchpad Entry: kubuntu-karmic-netbook-edition * Created: June 1, 2009 * Contributors: ScottK, Tonio, other Kubuntu devs * Packages affected: kubuntu-default-settings, possibly a new plasma-netbook-shell package Summary Provide, as a technology preview for Karmic, a new minor *buntu flavor, Kubuntu Netbook Edition. KDE4 is designed from the ground up to be scalable to many form factors. Many Kubuntu users are already using it in netbook computers. The intent is to make it easy for Kubuntu to just work. Release Note This release includes a new member of the Ubuntu family, Kubuntu Netbook Edition. This variant of Kubuntu is aimed at netbooks and other small form factor devices. Rationale Netbooks appear to be growing in popularity. An install image optimized for this form factor would be great for users and may have some commercial potential. KDE 4 is designed to be scalable and is easily adjusted to new form factors. It may be particularly useful to have in the *buntu stable in cases where a quick turn around for a particular device type is needed. User stories Jane has used Kubuntu for years and wants it on her new netbook. She is pleased to find Kubuntu Netbook Edition gives her a familiar environment scaled to her new device. Klaus has a new netbook device coming to market with an exciting new form factor. He needs an OS for it, but needs it soon. With a little help, he's able to ship on time and on budget with Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Assumptions None. The settings changes have been prototyped and the plasma-netbook shell will only be included if it is mature. Design Test various settings such and font and panel sizes in the netbook form factor to determine good settings for smaller systems. Test and integrate plasma-netbook shell if ready. Implementation Implementation will have three major parts Settings Changes A new Kubuntu default settings netbook package will be needed along with a netbook metapackage for this edition (in Universe for Karmic) New Flavour Setup A kubuntu netbook seed will need to be created. Image builds for i386 will be needed. Plasma Netbook Shell If it is ready, the plasma Netbook shell will be packaged and used as the default front end for Kubuntu Netbook Edition. It is currenlty in heavy development and likely to be ready for Karmic. * * * Some patching of kdelibs/base/plasma-addons is needed (and doable before feature freeze) to support Plamsa Netbook in KDE 4.3. Test/Demo Plan Images will need to be thoughly tested before release. We will encourage people to test these on netbook and full form hardware. Unresolved issues Inclusion of Plasma Netbook shell TBD pending testing. CategorySpec KubuntuKarmicNetbook (editada pela última vez em 2009-10-15 00:11:27 por agoliveira) * Page History Kubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. You can contribute to this wiki, see Wiki Guide for details.

Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma - Ubuntu Wiki

* Kubuntu * NetbookPlasma You are here: Kubuntu Wiki » Kubuntu » NetbookPlasma kubuntu.png Kubuntu Home About News & Media Support Get Kubuntu! headquarters.png Headquarters Roadmap Netbook Teams Team Reports Meetings Communication organization.png Organization Membership Community team-development.png Development Artwork Documentation Packaging Bug Triage calendar.png Calendar Meeting: Thu 21 Jan 20:00UTC Hugs: Hug Day! 27th February, details. Tutorials: TBD REVU: TBD {*} Join us in the #kubuntu chat room for support, the #kubuntu-devel chat room for general development or #kubuntu-netbook for Kubuntu Netbook Edition development. {*} Netbooks are different than larger computers and Plasma Netbook is meant to provide a different way to interact with them. This is a new project for KDE that is planned for release with KDE 4.4 in February 2010. KDE and Kubuntu developers are working together to integrate this exciting new concept into Kubuntu's KDE 4.3 for our Karmic Koala (9.10) release. Plasma netbook is the heart of the new Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Rather than repeat what various upstream developers have had to say about it. Here are some links: * Description with YouTube videos * Ars Technical article * Aaron Seigo's Plasma Netbook manifesto * Technical paper * Associated presentation slides This is not just about making Kubuntu smaller, but delivering a novel netbook experience that will be better. Currently Plasma Netbook has some rough edges. It is still under heavy development upstream and will get better. Upstream is interested in feedback. We are aware of a number of issues already, but want to hear more so we can deliver the best netbook experience. Please file bugs.

Kubuntu/Netbook - Ubuntu Wiki

Kubuntu Netbook Edition Kubuntu Netbook Edition is a new Kubuntu flavour optimised for netbook computers. These computers generally have screens smaller then 10 inches, less processing power, no CD/DVD drive and less memory & disk space than traditional laptops. Kubuntu Netbook Edition was first released with Kubuntu 9.10 and is a technology preview.

KDE SC 4.4.1 Packages Available | Kubuntu

KDE SC 4.4.1 Packages Available Submitted on Wed, 2010-03-03 Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.1 are available. Users of the Lucid development release can upgrade to the newest packages. Users of our stable 9.10 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

eyeOS Brasil

eyeOS Qual é eyeOS? eyeOS é o Sistema Operacional Cloud Computing. Trabalho on-line ou pessoalmente, colaborativamente, com seus arquivos, escritório, calendário, contatos e muito mais. Seus dados é seguro e sempre disponível – eyeOS é Software Livre! Porque é que o eyeOS Software Livre? A ideia de eyeOS é criar uma fonte livre, aberta (AGPLv3) produto fácil de instalar em um servidor web para que você terá seu próprio sistema sobre nuvem e totalmente em seu controle. Você também pode participar de uma grande comunidade de usuários e programadores, capazes de criar seus próprios aplicativos. Bem-vindo ao projeto eyeOS Brasil. E se eu quiser usar eyeOS agora? Se você não quiser instalar eyeOS no seu próprio servidor, você pode criar uma conta no nosso servidor público gratuito e começar a usar o eyeOS agora. Basta ir para e descobrir o poder do eyeOS.


Support - Xandros

Support Every commercial Xandros product includes Basic level support to make sure you get your system installed and configured properly. This support site also includes an FAQ section which addresses common issues and there are user forums for each of the products where forum members provide assistance to each other. If these resources don't enable you to resolve your issue, you may need to contact our technical support people. Depending on the nature and timing of your problem, your request may fall within your Basic level support. However, if you require more advanced assistance or if your support request is outside the allowable time frame for Basic support, pay-for-support options are available on annual subscription and per incident support basis. The following table provides a brief summary of the different options. Refer to the detailed Server SLA and Desktop SLA for a comprehensive comparison list. Note: For ASUS Eee PC support, please visit the ASUS Eee PC Support Center

Linux: O maravilhoso Xandros Linux Desktop [Artigo]

O maravilhoso Xandros Linux Desktop Linux user jeffestanislau 07/01/2005 Nesse artigo pretendo demonstrar que a instalação do Xandros Linux Desktop é mais fácil do que a instalação do próprio Windows. Na verdade o texto é uma análise bem completa da instalação e pós-instalação dessa nova distribuição que vem sendo muito bem comentada internacionalmente. Por: Jefferson Estanislau da Silva

Desktop drapes: GNOME wallpaper manager

What's Desktop Drapes Desktop drapes is a wallpaper manager application for the gnome desktop. It can randomly changing your wallpaper every once in a while, or whenever you fell like it. It can also automaticaly pickup any wallpapers you added to a directory with the ninja magic of inotify. It's written using C# (mono) with the help of Gtk#/Gnome#. For your viewing pleasure here is a screenshot.

Social Desktop

Welcome to the Social Desktop Contest! What is it? Last year the vision of the Social Desktop was born. The idea is to bring the power of online communities and group collaboration to desktop applications. One of the strongest assets of the free software community is our worldwide community of developers and users who believe in free software and who work hard to bring our software and solutions to the mainstream. wants to help to make this vision reality. We decided to launch a contest for applications, services and programs using it. Here is the challenge: create and submit applications, widgets, plasmoids or web services etc. as part of the contest and win one of our wonderful prizes.