public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "gnu linux" & cd

29 July 2008 08:00

18 September 2007 04:00

17 September 2007 13:00

Index of /cdimage/weekly-builds/i386

Weekly build for i386 See the parent directory for more information about the weekly builds. This build finished at Mon May 28 10:53:30 UTC 2007.

17 September 2007 12:00

14 September 2007 22:00

14 September 2007 20:00

14 September 2007 11:00 - Try LinspireLive!

Test drive Linspire Five-0 and our innovative CNR Service, your ticket to thousands of popular programs. There's no need to install anything on your hard drive. LinspireLive! boots and runs directly from your CD drive, and it won't affect your current system or settings.

14 September 2007 09:00

Live CD - Dicas e indicações.

Live CD - Dicas e indicações. Lista de distribuições que rodam a partir do CD. Mini ISO com ferramentas de manutenção no sistema e recuperação de dados.

13 September 2007 19:00

09 August 2007 00:00

05 August 2007 07:00

xine - A Free Video Player - About xine

platforms xine tries to be as portable as possible. Supported platforms include: * GNU/Linux (x86, alpha, sparc, ppc, ...) * FreeBSD (x86) * Solaris (sparc and x86) * Irix (mips) * Darwin/MacOS X (ppc) via the fink project Support for the following platforms is in progress (help is always appreciated): * MS Windows (partially working and committed to CVS) * HPUX (patches received) * OpenBSD (patches received) * OS/2 (external site)

15 June 2007 06:00

13 June 2007 16:00

gparted sourceforge livecd download

You have selected to download gparted-livecd Below is a list of releases and files contained in this package. Before downloading, you may want to read the release notes.

06 June 2007 11:00

debian CD

Se você quiser obter um CD do Debian GNU/Linux, veja abaixo as opções disponíveis. Se tiver problemas, leia por favor FAQ sobre os CDs Debian.

07 March 2007 09:00

Requesting free CDs from ShipIt

by 6 others
There are now two versions of Ubuntu available. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the long-term supported version that provides 3 years of support on the desktop and 5 years of support on the server. Additionally, there are newer versions of Ubuntu that may provide more advanced features but do not include long-term support. ShipIt remains committed to providing free CDs of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. You can request these CDs here. Please note that these CDs will NOT be the latest version of Ubuntu, they are Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, also known as "Dapper Drake."