public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "software complete"

28 March 2008 20:45

28 March 2008 20:30

Hpodder - Using the hpodder podcast aggregator

hpodder Name hpodder -- Scan and download podcasts Synopsis hpodder [-d] [command] [command_args] Description Podcasting is a method of publishing radio-like programs on the Internet. Through podcasting, almost anyone can produce their own audio program, and publish episodes of it as often or as rarely as they like. To listen to podcasts, you need a program to download the podcast's episodes from the Internet. Such a program is called a podcatcher (or sometimes a podcast aggregator). hpodder is this program. If you'd like to get going RIGHT NOW, skip on down to the Quick Start section. Otherwise, let's take a look at the features of hpodder.


Welcome to hpodder. Hpodder is a tool to scan and download podcasts. Such tools are often called podcatchers. hpodder is a command-line tool for Linux and other POSIX systems (FreeBSD, MacOS X, etc). It is easy to learn and use, has automatic discovery of feed metadata, and can import iPodder settings.