April 2006
Baidu, Google Dominate Chinese Search Market
by 1 otherA new report from iResearch finds that Baidu and Google combined have a 90 percent market share of the Chinese search space. Baidu gets a 56.6 percent slice, followed by Google at 32.8 percent. Others are at less than five percent. China View has more details here: Baidu ranks No. 1 in China's on-line searching market. I don't see the report at iResearch yet, but you can watch for it here. China View doesn't say what time period the figures are for, but China Knowledge says they're for 2005. If so, that makes them different and slightly higher than 2005 year end figures iResearch recently released here.
December 2005
百度公布博客前十强 MSN博客超过本土博客
百度昨日发布了中国的博客服务商排名。截至2005年11月底,中国博客服务商已达到658家,注册用户超过千人的服务商达到了330家,其中前三大博客服务商排名分别为:MSN Spaces、博客网、天涯博客。
2005年网民搜什么? 百度搜索风云榜出炉
(3 marks)