April 2006
Sifry's Alerts: State of the Blogosphere, April 2006 Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth
by 2 others (via)The blogosphere is over 60 times bigger than it was only 3 years ago.
New blog creation continues to grow. Technorati currently tracks over 75,000 new weblogs created every day, which means that on average, a new weblog is created every second of every day - and 19.4 million bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their blogs are created. That's an increase both absolute and relative terms over just 3 months ago, when only 50.5% or 13.7 million blogs were active. In other words, even though there's a reasonable amount of tire-kicking going on, blogging continues to grow as a habitual activity.
RED HERRING | Blogging Gets Down To Business
It wants more. Six Apart doesn’t disclose financials, but it’s the biggest independent company in the blogging space, with 15 million users and 125 employees. Still, many of its products are cheap or free. The company’s most expensive hosted blogging service for consumers is $14.95 per month. By contrast, the new TypePad Business class, which amps up security and storage, starts at $89.95 per blog per month. Business executives may not be known for their gripping narratives, but a barely penetrated market with deep pockets is a pretty compelling opportunity.
March 2006
Googling, Blogging and PHP: Google plans for 2006
Here is few graphics that describe very well Google Plans for 2006, their priorities, products and strategy. Note in the the second graphics 70% of google products are Search and Ads, Google is trying also to make their services varied to attract the more possible users around their main products. The goal in 2006 to be lead in search, of course there is no doubt that Google is already a leader but they have to keep this position.
January 2006
Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki - Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki
by 1 otherThis is a directory of Fortune 500 companies that have business blogs, defined as: active public blogs by company employees about the company and/or its products.
Official Google Blog: A year of Google blogging
This is the 201st post to be published on the Google Blog in 2005. In closing out the first full year of our company-wide effort to share news and views, we thought you might be interested in a few factoids. Since we've had Google Analytics running on this blog since June, some of these numbers reflect only half a year. In that time, 4.3 million unique visitors have generated 8.7 million pageviews. Readers have come from all over the world, not just English-speaking countries: 53,001 visitors from Turkey have stopped by, for example; so have 155,691 from France, 29,614 from Thailand and 8,233 from Peru.
December 2005
Structured Blogging
by 1 otherStructured Blogging is a way to get more information on the web in a way that's more usable. You can enter information in this form and it'll get published on your blog like a normal entry, but it will also be published in a machine-readable format so that other services can read and understand it.
elise.com: On the Job: Blogging for Business
Ten years ago every business leader had to have an Internet strategy. These days the question making the rounds is "Should we get a blog?" To help you answer that question for your business let's review what a blog is, and look at the different ways that a blog could help your business.
Blogging for Dollars
The blogosphere is a vast, unruly, and totally tantalizing mother lode of unvarnished consumer opinion on every product and service in the capitalist universe. But to know what the masses are saying about your product, you would have to dig through 350,000 fresh daily postings on a staggering 20 million blogs worldwide (90% of them are based in the U.S.). And that's just the beginning. Roughly 50,000 new blogs are launched every day.
November 2005
Blogthings - What's Your Blogging Personality?
What's Your Blogging Personality?
(9 marks)