April 2006
Charlene Li's Blog: Forrester podcasting report - just 1% use podcasts
(via)Our survey showed that only 1% of online households in North America regularly download and listen to podcasts. And when you include all of the people who are just interested or have used podcasts, they strongly favor listening to existing content like Internet radio or broadcast radio, not necessarily new content. (And for newspapers thinking about podcasting, putting print stories into audio format just ranked ahead of original content from bloggers) I think this has something to do with 1) original content just isn’t as well known; and 2) existing content benefits from users that simply want to time shift it.
March 2006
Switchpod: Podcast Hosting Source!
by 2 othersWelcome to the world of podcasting. Podcasting is a new hobby that allows users to create audio files that will be heard throughout the world by the means of an rss feed. Podcasting, thus, allows users to create audio, and they can attach this audio to their rss feed. This rss feed can be downloaded through itunes or other podcast aggregators. Podcasting is the new internet hobby.
December 2005
Blog的延伸 - podcast個人化廣播電台之初探
by 4 others根據路透社報導指出,不到一年的時間,全世界已經累計600萬人正在聆聽一種剛崛起的傳播方式「Podcast」。這是一種類似於Blog的個人創作方式,不同在於它是以MP3格式,整合RSS的技術和網路下載的方式,可在iPod或其它攜帶式MP3隨身聽上收聽,隨著攜帶式MP3隨身聽的快速普及,Podcast的影響力也持續增加中。
ChinesePod.com - Learn Chinese With Free Daily Podcasts
by 4 others用Podcast學中文,聽起來滿好的!不知道何時臺灣才會有這樣的服務?
Shanghai Daily Podcasts
We begin it with a weekly “buzzwords” program. Buzzwords, as a weekly column in every Monday’s Shanghai Daily, has been telling our Chinese and English-speaking readers how to say in each other’s language the most popular words doing the rounds in Shanghai.
烂周刊: 教你说中文的Podcast
November 2005
(15 marks)