April 2006
Yahoo! Publisher Network » Blog Archive » Publish!
We know that for the Yahoo! Publisher Network to be successful, publishers need to be successful, too. So we started the Yahoo! Publisher Network blog to:
* Give publishers – you folks – a voice in the evolution of the Yahoo! Publisher Network and its products.
* Build a place where you can come and learn about the latest updates and enhancements to the Network
* Showcase your work and your contributions to making Yahoo! Publisher Network what is today – and to what it will become tomorrow
* Provide a community space where you can learn from other publishers how to be a better one yourself
March 2006
Organizational Blogs and the Human Voice: Relational Strategies and Relational Outcomes
This study develops and tests operational definitions of relational maintenance strategies appropriate to online public relations. An experiment was designed to test the new measures and to test hypotheses evaluating potential advantages of organizational blogs over traditional Web sites. Participants assigned to the blog condition perceived an organization's "conversational human voice" to be greater than participants who were assigned to read traditional Web pages. Moreover, perceived relational strategies (conversational human voice, communicated relational commitment) were found to correlate significantly with relational outcomes (trust, satisfaction, control mutuality, commitment).
December 2005
Voice群组开通! :: “多背一公斤”公益旅游项目
(3 marks)