public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from wing with tag web-design

15 November 2005

13 November 2005

CSSVista: Live CSS editing with Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously

by 32 others (via)
CSSVista is a free Windows application for web developers which lets you edit your CSS code live in both Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously. By building your sites to work in both IE 6 and Firefox you'll be compatible with 88% of your visitors' web browsers*. To cover the other 12%, you may like to look at our paid-for browser compatibility service, SiteVista. Yes, that's why this software is free! :-) » Free website templates

by 12 others (via)
Free website templates Here are my free open source web design templates. They are free to use for any purpose without any obligations or conditions. I kindly ask you to not remove the small credit link (the line that says “Design by Andreas Viklund”) since it is a nice way of giving something back to me. But if you really need (or want) to remove it you are of course free to do so, although I encourage you to make a small donation through the PayPal link in the sidebar if you remove the credits for a commercial website. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, or if you are interested in my professional services (like custom design, branding, editing and scripting), you are welcome to contact me for more information.

05 November 2005

02 November 2005

01 November 2005


by 13 others (via)
web标准教程及推广,网站重构,XHTML+CSS,CSS布局,DIV+CSS,validator,mozilla firefox

30 October 2005

wing's TAGS related to tag web-design

blog +   browser +   color +   css +   design +   firefox +   fonts +   free +   graphic-design +   icons +   ie +   images +   material +   tools +   webservice +   windows +   wordpress +   wp-theme +