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PUBLIC MARKS from wordsleft with tag google

23 October 2006 03:00

AJAX Search API Playground

How To Guides * Add the video search gadget to your blog * Add the video search gadget to your home page * Add the map search gadget to your blog * Add the map search to your home page * Add the video search bar to your blog

15 October 2006 18:45

他的貓咪藍眼睛: 搏感情~從小開始!Google教室計畫

 朋友愛心寄來的這篇新聞說,Gooogle開始在美國養 Google寶寶, ( 我實在忍不住想幫他們取這名字,這計劃超像"明星志願" ) XD,佈局未來,這招出手不凡,有來給他氣魄大,神!

wordsleft's TAGS related to tag google

ajax +   blogger +   educators +   gadget +   Google教室計畫 +   Google認證教師 +   search +   品牌行銷 +   貓觀行銷 +