Grafitter // Visualizing Your Life on Twitter, IM, Delicious, and Blogger.
Neat idea - Grafitter is a way collecting information about your self over time while sending updates with Twitter, using IM, saving bookmarks on Delicious, and writing a post on Blogger. Grafitter visualizes the information you record in graphs.
Fedtastic is a dynamic portal to government information referenced in the Data.gov catalog and other sources. the system was designed to allow users to search for specific questions that are actually related to the subjects they might be interested in.
Global Consciousness Project Dot - Correlated Structures in Random Data
Webpage add-on button that changes color The Global Consciousness Project collects random numbers from around the world. These numbers are available on the GCP website. This website downloads those numbers once a minute and performs sophisticated analysis on these random numbers to see how coherent they are. That is, how probable it is that the numbers are generated as they are. The theory is that the Global Consciousness of all the people of the world affect these random numbers... Maybe they aren't quite as random as we thought.
Many Eyes
Our goal is to "democratize" visualization and to enable a new social kind of data analysis. Jump right to our visualizations now, take a tour, or read on for a leisurely explanation of the project.
MyownDB (-)
by 3 othersMyowndb is a web application with the goal to let you manage your data easily. You can view it as a database with which you get an interface to enter, modify, delete and search data once you've define its structure, had CVS export.
prefuse: an interactive visualization toolkit
for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data.
(7 marks)