public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag internet



NameGrab scours hundreds of Websites and social networks and tells you which are available for your chosen username. Then, it automates the process of claiming the ‘real you’ on the sites of your choice. By controlling your personal and professional brands online, you ensure that your online identity isn’t stolen and that no one cybersquats your name.

CAIDA : tools

The CAIDA Tools site contains CAIDA tools and software as well as a taxonomy of available research and visualization tools. Some are online tools

Rechercher sur internet : méthodologie et outils

Ce dossier propose quelques conseils méthodologiques, recense un certain nombre d'outils et signale d'autres guides pour se former à l'Internet.

Mizuko Ito on Why Time Spent Online Is Important for Teen Development - MacArthur Foundation

It might surprise parents to learn that it is not a waste of time for their teens to hang out online,” says Mizuko Ito, University of California, Irvine researcher and the lead author of the most extensive U.S. study to date on teens and their use of digital media. The study showed that America’s youth are developing important social and technical skills online often in ways adults do not understand or value.


positive/negative search results calculated using search-engines


With ePulze, individuals and organizations can easily monitor, track and analyze the sentiment result for one or more subjects or topics. Using internet as the main resources, ePulze extract comments, opinions, reviews and news from forums, social networking site, blogs and related websites, automatically identify subjects and topics in the unstructured information and apply our patent-pending technology based on computational linguistics and artificial intelligence to automatically derive the sentiment expressed in the unstructured information.

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful

So, if you get a new msg on Facebook, but your landline rings, you’ll take the landline call. You might have a spasmodic moment of ‘uh? wadd I do’. But, usually, you’ll take the call. Similarly, if you get a new SMS whilst opening a new online dating message, you’ll be hard pressed not to read that SMS. It’ll take a great force of will. You may attempt to do both simultaneously. But if you really observe yourself closely, one will take priority – even if it’s only by milliseconds. The SMS will win your attention.

What the Internet knows about you

Cette page montre que l'historique du navigateur peut être extraite

Reporters Sans Frontières

Reporters sans frontières - défend les journalistes et collaborateurs des médias emprisonnés ou persécutés pour leur activité professionnelle, et dénonce les mauvais traitements et la torture dont ils sont victimes dans de nombreux Etats, - lutte pour faire reculer la censure et combat les lois visant à restreindre la liberté de la presse, - accorde chaque année une centaine de bourses d’assistance afin de venir en aide à un journaliste ou à un média en difficulté (frais d’avocats, frais médicaux, achat de matériel, etc.), ainsi qu’aux familles de reporters emprisonnés, - agit pour améliorer la sécurité des journalistes, notamment dans les zones de conflit.

Welcome -

by 1 other is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again! works through the magic of netbooting. There are a number of ways to boot a computer with The simplest is to download a bootable image and burn it to a CD, USB memory stick, or floppy disk. Boot off it on any networked computer, and it will automatically fetch the latest boot options from and let you choose from dozens of installation, recovery, testing, portable desktop and other tools. You can also start from any computer running gPXE, or from any netbootable computer with some simple tweaks to your DHCP server.

Linguee – The web as a dictionary – German/English

Use the internet database for common phrases: Search millions of sentences translated by other people on the internet.

WEB|WISE|KIDS - E Rate, Internet Safety Tips, Internet Safety for Teen, Child Internet Safety, Internet Safety for Kids, Internet Safety Games, Internet Safety Curriculum

Web Wise Kids is about empowering today's youth to make wise choices online. Through state-of–the-art Internet Safety computer games (based on real-life scenarios) as well as Internet Safety tips for kids, teens and parents, Web Wise Kids creates a safer, friendlier internet experience. These, coupled with involvement of community, youth leaders and parents, provides an environment where your child's Internet Safety becomes their first line of defense while navigating through cyberspace.

The Internet literacy handbook

flash doc intro to internet for beginners


by 4 others is a "Neighborhood Watch" campaign aimed at fighting badware. We will seek to provide reliable, objective information about downloadable applications in order to help consumers to make better choices about what they download on to their co



NITLE Weblog Census: Weblog Map

Here's a map of all weblogs that include GeoURL data. (map courtesy of Paul Hastings)