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PUBLIC MARKS from zamhaziq with tag "traffic video"

February 2007

Increase Adsense Reveneu Using Free Online Video

This lens will show you the little known secrects of getting free website traffic from Youtube and Google Video. You can take advantage of the wonderful marketing opportunities offer by Youtube and Google Video to boost your adsense revenue. Thevideosense was created to take advantages of the amazing opportunities offered by Youtube and Google Video to increse your adsense revenue and increase free traffic to your websites and promote your product and services to the widest internet audience possible. As online video becomes more popular,people of all age groups will spend more times viewing clips at video sites. Thevideosense does is provide a way for you, as an Adsense Publisher, to make money from these video that people are drown to. Thevideosense displays video and around those videos they also display those adsense ads. Now How this works, is that you submit video to thevideosense. then, when your video is display,your adsense id is used, for the ads that are displayed. You don't have to be an expert at making video, or even have your own video to make money this way. We have 1000's of people from all over the world generating a home income from submitting videos to Thevideosense They simply copy the embed code from Youtube or Google Video and paste it into their TVS accounts, its that simple. Other people have their own videos to promote, and use the system to monetize their existing videos. Other people create specific Viral Videos to upload and then submit to TVS. TVS Supplies 10 Steps to success to teach its members how to do the above successfully. Its completely free to register to join Thevideosense or you can download the Free Viral Video Ebook from Once you have registered at either of the sites above you'll get instant access to the free forum to see the 10 steps to success and see how others are getting maximum results from

Free Website Traffic From YouTube

Hot New Marketing Tactic Revealed: How To Get Thousands (Or Even Millions) Of Visitors To Your Sites With Free Online Video Sites. Here's How To Get Unlimited New Visitors To Your Websites Without Paying A Penny Using Free Online Video Sites Like YouTube.