June 2006
December 2005
Workbench: Adam Curry Caught in Sticky Wiki
by 1 other> Former MTV veejay and podcasting entrepreneur Adam Curry appears to have been caught anonymously editing the podcasting entry on Wikipedia to remove credit from other people and inflate his role in its creation.
November 2005
October 2005
September 2005
L'oeil de mouche - Résumé sonore
"Max aime Loic.mp3. Les weblogs servent à résumer l'information pour gagner du temps. Je vous ai donc fait un résumé d'un skyplex entre deux blogsstars."
August 2005
July 2005
Un manifeste de l'audioblogging
C'est grand !
June 2005
A first look at iTunes RSS extensions
by 2 others (via)Apple have released iTunes 4.9 with support for downloading podcasts. At the same time, they've released a set of extensions for RSS that affects how podcasts will show up in the iTunes Music Store.
Here's a quick review of the elements they've specified.
May 2005
April 2005
Atom Enclosures supported by NetNewsWire
by 2 othersBrent Simmons: "Atom enclosures (as specified in the 0.8 draft) are now supported."
BBC Radio podcasts 20 more shows
(via)The BBC is making 20 more radio shows available for listeners to download onto their digital music players.
March 2005
L’avenir de la radio
(via)"Michel Dumais fait le point sur les enjeux réels du podcasting. De fait, le podcasting va plus faire évoluer le monde de la radio que celui du blogue."
Enhanced ``enclosures'' support in RSS and ATOM Syndication
This document presents an extension of ``enclosure'' support in RSS and ATOM syndication formats. This document's status is ``draft''.
February 2005
For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting
(via)The primarily amateur Internet audio medium known as podcasting will take a small, hopeful step on Friday toward becoming the commercial Web's next big thing.
De la simplicité
by 1 other"Les nouveaux outils - pour publier, partager ou communiquer - abondent et apparaissent à un rythme effréné. "