Closer To The Ideal » Blog Archive » The Symfony community is small
by 1 other, 1 commentMy own theory is that Symfony brings to PHP something that PHP has long been missing: a truly professional, industrial strength, object oriented architecture that allows PHP to be taken seriously in the enterprise. However, all of the people who would be truly interested in such a framework have long ago found a home using Ruby, Java or Python. In short, the kinds of people who gravitate to PHP are exactly the kind of people who are unwilling or unable to appreciate the beautiful elegance and power of a system like Symfony. The people who need something like Symfony gravitate to other languages.
Redo The Web » It’s Oh So Quiet
It’s so quiet in this blog, because it is closed. Forever. No more post will ever be published, you can’t send any comment, and you can unsubscribe safely from its RSS feed.
HowToContributeToSymfony - symfony - Trac
1 comment (via)At the time these lines are written, the symfony trunk is intentionally broken - please just don't ask us why ;)