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22 October 2008

Poladroid project : the easiest and funniest Polaroid Image Maker

by sbrothier & 16 others
• Easy to use : Drag & Drop • Generate High-resolution pictures (400 dpi), "ready-to-print" with a Polaroid design • Funny : only 10 treatments by session, like the content of a cartridge interactive action with the user (look at the demo below) random and realistic Polaroid-like colors variation... • and more...

09 October 2008

08 October 2008

Vitor Lourenco — Interface & Visual Designer

by sbrothier
No matter how cool your interface is, it would be better if there were less of it. Alan Cooper

30 September 2008


by sbrothier
The brand DICK stands for high-quality, sharp tools with long useful lives. The comprehensive product range is aimed at both professional craftsmen and keen DIY specialists. In addition to tools for wood working, sharpening accessories and associated services, the widest possible variety of materials as well as a large selection of knives, DICK also offers Europe’s largest selection of Japanese hand tools. Experts are available to help you select the right tools, and will be pleased to answer any related questions you might have. The product range is complemented by a range of focused specialist courses for traditional craftsmanship techniques which is unique to Europe.

16 May 2008

14 April 2008

The Rather Difficult Font Game

by sbrothier & 1 other
By looking at type set in Rosewood you probably don’t have to second-guess yourself, but if your life depended on you making the distinction between Adobe Caslon Pro and Adobe Garamond Pro, then, things would be a whole lot different. Try it a couple of times if you don’t get it right the first time — you might catch a lucky break.

26 March 2008

Bert Simons

by sbrothier
3 dimensional photo-realistic paper portraits and sculptures. These are papercraft sculptures made in the same way as the familiar papercraft houses and animals

05 March 2008

28 January 2008

PicLens | Immersive Slideshows Across the Web

by sbrothier & 6 others
PicLens instantly transforms your browser into a full-screen slideshow experience. PicLens makes photos come to life via a cinematic presentation that goes beyond the confines of the traditional browser window. With PicLens, browsing and viewing images on the web will never be the same again.

31 October 2007

vMix - Member (Logan LA) - Video

by sbrothier
Le toujours fameux à mon goût "Information Contraband" de Money Mark fait par Logan

22 October 2007

For All Seasons

by sbrothier & 2 others
A piece about memories, seasons and using the elements of the textual representation of the memory to create an interactive one. This is the result of over a year of late nights and weekends and the desire to completely disregard implementation and my current skill level when thinking up the concept for a piece. Naturally much of the time was spent scratching my head and had I done it again now I would probably finish it in a much shorter time, but this is also a reason why I wanted to do it, the next time I make something I might get that extra bit closer what is in my head. You know what they say about aiming for stars and hitting treetops.

09 October 2007

Grid Calculator

by sbrothier & 9 others (via)
Change the settings (by dragging the sliders, clicking on the bars, or editing the values) to calculate the overall width of your grid.

05 September 2007

PocketMod version 0.3 beta

by sbrothier & 22 others
The free disposable personal organizer!

26 January 2007

10 January 2007

Apple - QuickTime - Macworld 2007 Keynote

by sbrothier & 5 others
Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs kick-off Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address from San Francisco's Moscone West. See the video-on-demand (VOD) event right here exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4. Voiceover users click here to listen to keynote address.

05 January 2007

Draw Here: Virtual Street Art - Graffiti for the Web

by sbrothier & 3 others
Use the Draw Here bookmarklet to draw on top of web pages while you are browsing the web. If you save your drawings, other Draw Here users will then be able to see your drawings when they go to the same page.

22 December 2006

Web 2.0 how-to design style guide

by sbrothier & 62 others
In this tutorial, I describe various common graphic design elements in modern web ("2.0") design style. I then attempt to explain why they work (i.e. why they have become common), as well as how, when and where you might use each element in your designs. It follows on from my Current Style article, and analyses in greater depth the design features of the current "Web 2.0" design style.

11 December 2006

greener grass design and gifts- a unique collection of design goods

by sbrothier & 3 others
Greenergrassdesign is a curatorial approach, a particular aesthetic, both varied and cohesive. With an ever-changing product range including some larger production items, some limited edition along with design originals, Greenergrassdesign hopes to offer-up something special to both designer and consumer.

28 November 2006 | A visual exploration on mapping complex networks

by sbrothier & 64 others intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. I truly hope this space can inspire, motivate and enlighten any person doing research on this field.

18 October 2006

Mr. Hyde fabricant de films courts

by sbrothier & 2 others
Mr. Hyde est une maison de production qui présente, comme une galerie, des travaux filmiques de réalisateurs issus pour la plupart du court métrage. Crée à l'initiative d'Hervé Lopez, ex créatif de BDDP/TBWA Paris, Mr. Hyde a pour objectif d'apporter aux créatifs, agences et annonceurs, des solutions créatives et économiques pour produire des films de publicité mais aussi des clips et des formats courts.

26 September 2006

Jumpcut [Make Amazing Movies Online]

by sbrothier & 31 others
Creating movies is the core of the Jumpcut experience. It's what we're all about. We give you a number of ways to get started quickly:

Romain Bernardie James and Marion Paris

by sbrothier
I use both digital and traditionnal cameras. Tools : Canon 350D, Canon 5D, Canon A1, Nikon EM, Nikkormat, Certo6, Polaroid Barbie edition 600, Lomo Smena. and check the party photo blog l'aperolog

20 September 2006

The 10th Anniversary of Flash - Most Influential Flash Site Of The Decade

by sbrothier & 1 other
ohlalalalala les vieux souvenirs de site flash de 1996 a télécharger pendant trois heures au modem 56k

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last mark : 22/10/2008 19:58