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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 知識管理 & management

30 July 2006 11:00

Gnowsis - gnowsis

by feision & 5 others
gnowsis Document Actions * Send this page to somebody * Print this page welcome to gnowsis, the Semantic Desktop environment published by the Knowledge Management Lab of the DFKI. Gnowsis is a reference implementation of parts of the Nepomuk Semantic Desktop framework. The [ Nepomuk] project provides a standardized, conceptual framework for Semantic Desktops.Gnowsis can be used in research projects or by interested individuals to benefit from Semantic Web technologies.

30 July 2006 10:15

blog system 知識管理 - Google 搜尋

by feision
利用本體論語言OWL建構以知識管理為基礎網路日誌之研究- The Family of ... 因此本研究提出利用網路本體論語言(OWL)支援網誌(Blog)知識管理方法,期望透過本 研究可以提供現行網誌一個良好的知識管理方法。 ... To understand the status quo of knowledge management process in the Blog System. 2. OWL can make Blog have ... - 56k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 知識管理的長征- 孫鵬- Microtoby - MVP 2004年01月至今任職於Tencent,主要方向為知識管理。 此Blog中的文章和隨筆僅代表作者 在某一特定時間內的觀點和結論,對其完全 ... n BillGates在Office System Developer Conference的Keynote中提到的對SharePoint的期望,並提及在Office System 12中有 ... - 256k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 知識管理

blog system +   developer +   gnowsis +   km +   management +   reference +   wait to tag +   web tech +  

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last mark : 30/07/2006 11:14