public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & business


Computerworld > Why Opera isn’t planning to go open source

by greut

We support open source in that we offer a better browser for Linux, Opera CTO Hakon Wium Lie told me in a recent meeting at the InfoWorld offices. But we haven’t found a business model that allows us to go fully open source.

Something old, but I recently talked with Batiste about this : How would Opera be if they had go Open Source before Firefox got (relatively) huge?


PBS | I, Cringely . January 12, 2006 - Win Some, Lose Some

by zboog
Bob's Prediction Average Was Down for 2005, but 2006 Is Looking Better Thanks to Apple and Burst

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last mark : 15/02/2009 22:23

last mark : 15/01/2007 01:24

last mark : 15/03/2006 21:00

last mark : 14/01/2006 02:17