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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & google

March 2007

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

Googling, Blogging and PHP: Google plans for 2006

by vista
Here is few graphics that describe very well Google Plans for 2006, their priorities, products and strategy. Note in the the second graphics 70% of google products are Search and Ads, Google is trying also to make their services varied to attract the more possible users around their main products. The goal in 2006 to be lead in search, of course there is no doubt that Google is already a leader but they have to keep this position.

Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace

by bcpbcp & 6 others (via)
I want to talk with you today about how teenagers are using a website called I will briefly describe the site and then discuss how youth use it for identity production and socialization in contemporary American society. I have been following MySpace since its launch in 2003. Initially, it was the home to 20-somethings interested in indie music in Los Angeles. Today, you will be hard pressed to find an American teenager who does not know about the site, regardless of whether or not they participate. Over 50 million accounts have been created and the majority of participants are what would be labeled youth - ages 14-24. MySpace has more pageviews per day than any site on the web except Yahoo! (yes, more than Google or MSN).

February 2006

O efeito Katilce - Webinsider

by bcpbcp (via)
O viral na internet nunca foi tão forte. Quem dominar esse mistério em favor de uma marca, mudará a história da comunicação.

GameCultura: Video: Bate-papo sobre gamearte

by bcpbcp (via)
Este é o vídeo de nosso bate-papo sobre gamearte, que rolou no SESC Consolação dia 20/02/06. Para quem não pode estar aqui, ou quer relembrar, veja aqui o vídeo hospedado no Google Video.

httpy -- a sane and robust HTTP library for Python

by bcpbcp & 1 other (via)
This is my contribution to the wild and woolly world of Python web programming. For a short intro, check out the screencast (Flash; ~45 sec; ~2 MB). After that, the manual should answer most of your questions. If not, check the source, or the Google Group.

Imagining the Google Future - January 01, 2006

by vista & 2 others
We all know that the company Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded a mere eight years ago is one of the new century's most cunning enterprises. If there were any lingering doubts, 2005 erased them. Google's sales jumped an estimated 50 percent to $6 billion, its profits tripled to a projected $1.6 billion, and Wall Street answered with an unprecedented vote of confidence: a $120 billion market cap, a share price soaring above $400, and a price/earnings ratio close to 70.


by bcpbcp & 12 others
AJAXSLT is an implementation of XSL-T in JavaScript, intended for use in fat web pages, which are nowadays referred to as AJAX applications. Because XSL-T uses XPath, it is also an implementation of XPath that can be used independently of XSL-T.

O que os criadores do Google vieram fazer no Brasil? |

by bcpbcp
O jatinho fretado pelos criadores do google tocou solo brasileiro neste dia 30 de janeiro, vindo diretamente de Davos, onde aconteceu o Fórum Econômico Mundial. É a primeira viagem da dupla para um país da América do Sul.

Google Underground: Google quer incrementar parceria com UFMG - Notícias para quem não vive sem Google!

by bcpbcp
Co-fundadores da Google, maior empresa internacinoal de busca na Internet, os executivos norte-americanos Larry Page, presidente de produtos, e Sergey Brin, presidente de tecnologia, reuniram-se com autoridades e professores da UFMG, no final da tarde desta terça-feira, 31 de janeiro, para conhecer projetos da Universidade na área de informática e transferência de tecnologia.

January 2006

:: Último Segundo - A folha de pagamentos da Google já não é mais um segredo

by bcpbcp
Sentindo-se deprimido porque perdeu a explosão de fartura das ações da Google? Não se preocupe. É só entrar na folha de pagamento obscura da empresa.

» An Ex-Googler Speaks » InsideGoogle » part of the Blog News Channel

by bcpbcp
Doug Edwards, Google’s Director of Consumer Marketing and Brand Management from 1999-2005, has started blogging as Xoogler (or eX-Googler). He explains in his first post that he thought about writing a book, but deciding blogging was the Google way to do it. I kinda disagree, since the last time I saw frank blogging about the Googleplex, some guy got fired, but Doug’s results are more than fascinating.

The Prejudice Map

by bcpbcp & 7 others
Preconceitos sobre cada país segundo o Google.

December 2005

15 Search Predictions for 2006

by jackysee (via)
例如有 web-wide video search, Calendar, Analytics 等等

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last mark : 27/06/2006 23:09

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last mark : 04/03/2006 20:58

last mark : 08/02/2006 18:50

last mark : 31/12/2005 02:37