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PUBLIC MARKS with tag websites


Create Viral Websites - Purx

by equis
A cloud based viral site builder app that creates both standalone and WordPress viral websites for you with the click of a button.







Thousand of APIs Paint a Bright Future for the Web | Webmonkey |

by oseres
Once a novel idea that seemed limited to Flickr, the web-based API is now everywhere you turn — Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and thousands of other sites offer up their data in the form of an API. APIs mean that third-party developers can build their own tools and mashups, which in turn helps to fuel the popularity of the web service. It’s hard to imagine where sites like Flickr and Twitter would be today without APIs. In fact, these days some web services don’t even bother launching websites to go with their APIs — the API is the service. The SimpleGeo API, for example, doesn’t really have a corresponding website, it’s just an API that can be used anywhere, including inside mobile apps.


Virb › Features

by oseres
Pages Whether you have just a little bit of content or it seems to go on for days, we’ve got the room. Grow with us, page by page. No limits, no restrictions, no worries.

Free Website With Flash Website Builder at

by HK & 13 others
A small but growing start-up, we love it when you use Wix to make your own fabulous websites and other Flash creations. And it's thanks to the support and feedback from users like you that Wix continues to evolve! Check out our blog to keep track of our latest news & features. Or get back to playing on

GE | Plug Into the Smart Grid | Smart Meters

by HK & 1 other
site lancé par général electrik sur environnement et écologie


The 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian

by HK
The 100 essential websites Here we go again … our latest list of the 100 best websites sees short attention spans, the rise of Twitter, more browser wars and celebrity gossip sites setting the news agenda

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag websites

blog +   cloud +   cool +   delicious +   design +   en +   english +   flash +   fun +   google +   home +   new2 +   news +   nice +   so +   socool +   spare +   tags +   tosee +   totry +  

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