February 2007
February 2006
One Bag (all about packing, luggage, and travelling light)
by leaffael & 8 othersintroduce how to place your stuff in one bag
桂林后街国际青年旅馆 Guilin Backstreet Youth Hostel
by leaffael在 laoluo 上看到的blog msn spaces,感觉好,订阅了,看,好象是guide的职业.有很多旅游的资源,资料。原来不是GUIDE,是企业BLOG
Googlecloud.com - aggregating the wisdom and madness of the crowd
by leaffael & 11 othersgoogle cloud以tag cloud的形式来看google相关和提供的内容
Neave.com ...you're ugly, get over it
by leaffael & 23 others非常酷和漂亮的流水的效果,还具体做什么的网站还不清楚,但知道是由postshow上面对于flash版本的google earth连接上去的
RConversation: Why Microsoft censorship in China matters to everybody
by leaffael为什么MS对中国的censorship和每个人都相关