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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & humor

04 March 2006 21:00

18 February 2006 23:15

18 February 2006 22:00

11 February 2006 12:45

Link - Sua vida digital | Só pode ser coisa do Cocadaboa

by bcpbcp
Depois de cinco anos ‘fazendo bobagem’ na internet, editor de site de humor agora espalha boatos por dinheiro

11 February 2006 11:45

05 February 2006 16:30

YouTube - Brokeback to the future

by bcpbcp
Brokeback Mountain + De volta para o futura

05 February 2006 16:15

29 January 2006 11:30

28 January 2006 13:30

GameCultura: Videogame e cabibalismo

by bcpbcp
Uma instituição patrulhadora, chamada National Institute on Media and the Family, divulgou uma lista dos títulos canibais "a serem evitados".

28 January 2006 12:15

Canal Web: Eu acredito em Web 2.0

by bcpbcp
"Mas e como explicar Web 2.0 para um leigo?" Em construção => BETA

21 January 2006 16:30

:: let's blogar :: | Dieta do Engenheiro

by bcpbcp
Pelas leis da termodinâmica, sabemos que uma caloria é a energia necessária para elevar em 1°C a temperatura de 1g de água.

19 January 2006 17:30

Data Mining 101: Finding Subversives with Amazon Wishlists | Applefritter

by bcpbcp
Vast deposits of personal information sit in databases across the internet. Terms used in phone conversations have become the grounds for federal investigation. Reputable organizations like the Catholic Worker, Greenpeace, and the Vegan Community Project, have come under scrutiny by FBI "counterterrorism" agents.

19 January 2006 16:45

18 January 2006 10:00

17 January 2006 10:00

How To Write Unmaintainable Code

by bcpbcp & 7 others (via)
In the interests of creating employment opportunities in the Java programming field, I am passing on these tips from the masters on how to write code that is so difficult to maintain, that the people who come after you will take years to make even the simplest changes. Further, if you follow all these rules religiously, you will even guarantee yourself a lifetime of employment, since no one but you has a hope in hell of maintaining the code. Then again, if you followed all these rules religiously, even you wouldn't be able to maintain the code!

16 January 2006 22:30

BBC NEWS | England | 'Superhero' takes on clampers

by bcpbcp (via)
Clad in a blue leotard and wielding a saw, a man claiming to be the UK's first wheel clamp vigilante is offering his services to motorists.

16 January 2006 17:45

02 January 2006 08:00

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 2006

best of +   cinema +   jeux video +   top 10 +   video +   youtube +  

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