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PUBLIC MARKS with tag WebApplication


Online Employee Scheduling Software -

by simon_bricolo provides free online employee scheduling tools to businesses of all sizes and in all industries. ShiftPlanning is free to use, and is backed with around-the-clock support.


How To Build A Web App in Four Days For $10,000 (Say Hello To Matt)

by kemar
Reading: "How To Build A Web App in Four Days For $10,000 (Say Hello To Matt)" ( ) [from]

Zendesk - Customer Service Software and Support Ticket System

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
Help Desk Software covering customer support, trouble tickets and knowledge base. Web-based with no install. Get started with a free trial.




by weblogr & 1 other
Un photoshop-like (soyons fou) sur le web


Trillian Anywhere - Use Trillian, the Ultimate Chat Client, ANYWHERE

by shoroco
Install Trillian on your zip Disk, CD, Diskonkey, or any other type of portable media. Take Trillian, your preferences, and your contact list with you wherever you go. Use a fully functional Trillian anywhere, on any computer with an internet connection instead of online clients with limited functionality such as AIM Express and ICQ Lite.

Squidoo Homepage

by shoroco & 20 others
A lens is one person's view on a topic that matters to her. It's an easy-to-build, single web page that can point to blogs, favorite links, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, Google maps, eBay auctions, CafePress designs, Amazon books or music, and thousands of products from hundreds of other trusted merchants. You can pick whatever content you want to put in your lens to bring context to your topic. Then, when someone is looking for recommended information, fast, your lens gets his started and sends him off in the right direction. It's a place to start, not finish.

Max Kiesler - 60 More AJAX Tutorials

by shoroco & 30 others
With the popularity of AJAX growing every day I've had the opportunity to collect and try out many more tutorials in the last several months. These examples and how-to's represent the best tutorials that I've personally used or otherwise had the opportunity to work with out of the overall group. This post is intended for individuals who learn best by example. Most of the listed tutorials come complete with instructions and source code. I've also categorized all of the tutorials for easy browsing. Enjoy!

Google Calendar Button Creator

by Luc & 10 others (via)
Create a button for your blog, MySpace, or website for your next event, party or show using this button generator and Google iCal.

Google Calendar Button Creator

by shoroco & 10 others
Create a button for your blog, MySpace, or website for your next event, party or show using this button generator and Google iCal.


by shoroco & 18 others
The mashup is basically the Pandora player, and listeners have the ability to add music played by Pandora directly to their playlists. favorite artists for the user are also displayed, and can be used to generate on the fly Pandora stations.

by shoroco & 3 others
GotVoice retrieves voice messages from your existing home and cellular phones and delivers them directly to your email inbox either automatically, using a pre-chosen schedule, or manually with a simple click of a button.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag WebApplication

im +   software +   trillain +  

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