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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "aides techniques" & webdesign


WebAIM: Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility

by Monique & 1 other

It is important to evaluate the accessibility of web content with a screen reader, but screen readers can be very complicated programs for the occasional user, so many people avoid them. This doesn't need to be the case. While screen readers are complicated, it is possible to test web content for accessibility without being a "power user."

Can Assistive Technology Make a Website Accessible? | Karl Groves

by Monique

One of the common misconceptions people tend to have about assistive technologies is that assistive technologies can “make things accessible”. The assumption in such cases seems based on an incomplete understanding of how assistive technologies work

Deux-trois trucs pour tester l’accessibilité d’un site à l’aide de « Jaws » • Rubrique Accessibilité • Babylon Design

by Monique

Découvrez dans un screencast de moins de 5 minutes quelques raccourcis essentiels pour tester votre site avec la synthèse vocale la plus répandue du marché.


Importance of HTML Headings for Accessibility

by Monique
According to a screenreader survey, 76% of screenreader users use headings to navigate either ‘often’ or ‘all the time’. With that statistic we can’t argue how important headings are especially for people with disabilities.


Limitations of Web Accessibility

by Monique
Here, we will try to point out those limitations in order for you to better understand web. Accessibility. It is important to note though that experts are presently working on these issues to address or improve them.

Aural CSS: Support for CSS 2 Aural Style Sheets / CSS 3 Speech Module |

by Monique
Questions about support for aural CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) have been popping up in various corners of the Web lately, so I thought I would compile what I know as a supplementary page to my Screen Readers and Abbreviations tests.

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last mark : 07/07/2012 21:16