November 2007
Ajaxian » TIBCO GI Performance Profiler
by nhoizeyTIBCO has released a new open source Ajax Performance Profiler that aims to answer the questions: How long did it take that service to respond? ...did it take for that component to render? ...that data to parse? ...for that function to execute?
February 2007
Ajaxian » TIBCO General Interface 3.2 Released: Check out our exclusive screencast
by nhoizeyIt is really worth checking out this short screencast as it shows you what a pow
erful tool GI is, and we are constantly surprised at how fast and feature full i
t is. Sometimes we get excited at a new Foo components for Prototype, and then
we remember that GI has hundreds of components :)
TIBCO General Interface Resource Center at TIBCO Developer Network
by nhoizey & 3 others (via)Ajax Rich Internet Applications
October 2006
(5 marks)