public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags annuaire & ressources


Waaaouh réouvre

by valery (via)
J'ai vu que le magazine avait rouvert pour que vous puissiez y ajouter vos articles. Bonne rédaction.


ODP - Open Directory Project

by Emaux & 14 others
The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. The Republic of the Web The web continues to grow at staggering rates. Automated search engines are increasingly unable to turn up useful results to search queries. The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can't keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. Link rot is setting in and they can't keep pace with the growth of the Internet. Instead of fighting the explosive growth of the Internet, the Open Directory provides the means for the Internet to organize itself. As the Internet grows, so do the number of net-citizens. These citizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it back to the rest of the population, culling out the bad and useless and keeping only the best content.


Blenderguide - web directory for blender

by -Nicolas- (via)
Blenderguide is a web directory for the free software 3D animation program Blender. The main goal of is to collect and categorize the various websites that deal with Blender.


TUTMarks - didacticiels, guides et tutoriaux sur internet

by kloobik & 69 others, 1 comment
TUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur internet...


by -Nicolas- & 16 others (via)
The goal of CGTextures is to become the best free texture site for 3D Graphics artists. Not only the quality and quantity of textures is important, but also the usability of the site.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag annuaire

internet +   ressources +   sitographie +   Synthèse sonore +  

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