public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags article & socialsoftware

May 2007

January 2007

April 2006

January 2006

'Tagging' gives Web a human meaning | CNET

by bcpbcp
If you've been to a technology event recently, especially one with a high concentration of digerati, you may have seen someone stand up and tell everyone what the event's Flickr tag is.

October 2005

Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review

by bcpbcp & 46 others
With the introduction of new social software applications such as blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, social networks, and bookmarking tools (the subject of this paper), the claim that Shelley Powers makes in a Burningbird blog entry [1] seems apposite: "This is the user's web now, which means it's my web and I can make the rules." Reinvention is revolution – it brings us always back to beginnings.

July 2005

Active users

last mark : 28/05/2007 06:44

last mark : 23/01/2007 20:55

last mark : 05/04/2006 13:21

last mark : 18/01/2006 10:10

last mark : 22/10/2005 02:33

last mark : 17/07/2005 01:43