A CSS styled table version 2 | duoh.com
by simon_bricolo & 3 otherspour mettre en forme ses tableaux et les rendre hyper attractifs
Unobtrusive Table Sort Script (revisited) | frequency-decoder.com
by simon_bricolotrier des colonnes dans un tableau
Refining Data Tables | uxmatters.com
by simon_bricolo & 3 othersmise en page des filtres dans un tableau de données
Stripe your tables the OO way | thewatchmakerproject.com
by simon_bricolo & 2 othersA new and improved Zebra Table technique for alternating colors between rows.
SortedTable example | friedcellcollective.net
by simon_bricolo & 6 otherstrier un tableau grâce à du javascript
Standardista Table Sorting | workingwith.me.uk
by simon_bricolo & 3 othersA JavaScript module that lets you sort an HTML data table by any column.
Why avoiding tables (for layout) is important
by bcpbcp (via)On Scripting News on February 13, 2002, Dave Winer asks why avoiding tables is so important in web-design and points here. This is an attempt to answer that question. Thanks for the link and conversation, Dave!
I want to make clear that I’m not saying you should never use tables. Tables are in HTML, and when you want to display tabular data, you should use them. But for layout, there are other options.
Semantic (X)HTML Markup: Using Tables Appropriately
by bcpbcpThis is the seventh article in the Semantic (X)HTML Markup series.
Accessible Data Tables | usability.com
by simon_bricolo & 20 othersvery comprehensive article on the correct use of HTML tables
CSS styled table | Veerle's blog
by simon_bricolo & 7 othersExample on how you can style a table using CSS
Pure CSS Scrollable Table with Fixed Header
by simon_bricolo & 20 othersCréer un tableau déroulant en CSS
Mise en page par tableaux: contres arguments
by simon_bricolo & 4 othersEn quoi la mise en page par tableaux est-elle stupide :
(14 marks)