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PUBLIC MARKS with tags article & tool


Woffu - Adaptate a la ley del teletrabajo

by asteri
Gestion online de vacaciones, presencia, ausencia de empleados.


Remembering on the web - 5 reasons why social bookmarking doesn’t work

by greut

One common task while browsing the web is going sure you will be able to recall a valuable information you are just looking at. This article aims to prove that social bookmarking as in delicious, simpy, magnolia et al. is the wrong tool for that task.

One essay about the failures of actual social bookmarking systems.


Internet Marketing Services

by beckyholmes & 1 other
Check out this great Internet Marketing services website that I've found! It offers the best possible solutions for Internet businesses, bringing in a ton of traffic and saving a huge amount of time! The services offered include: URL Submission Services, Article Submission, Content Spinning and Transcription Services.

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last mark : 01/09/2020 18:23

last mark : 23/10/2007 16:32

last mark : 14/02/2007 02:52

last mark : 30/08/2006 11:58