public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags articles & google

January 2007

Performance Research, Part 2: Browser Cache Usage - Exposed! » Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by -Nicolas- & 4 others (via)
This is the second in a series of articles describing experiments conducted to learn more about optimizing web page performance. You may be wondering why you’re reading a performance article on the YUI Blog. It turns out that most of web page performance is affected by front-end engineering, that is, the user interface design and development.

» SEO : liens, ancres, coquilles, les perles de Russ Jones ! - Malaiac attack

by -Nicolas-
L’ordre des liens a-t-il une influence sur les poids des ancres ? Peut-on être positionné sur un terme difficile en travaillant sur une coquille ? Est ce qu’un lien qui disparait vous nuit ? Quelle est l’importance réelle du Page Rank aujourd’hui ? Et si Yahoo et MSN créaient une copie du Page Rank ? La structure et l’ordre du contenu ont-ils de l’importance ? L’ordre des liens est-il pris en compte ?

December 2006

Si tu vois le PageRank, tue-le !

by -Nicolas-
Tel un leitmotiv, une question revient sans cesse sur les forums parlant de webmastering et de référencement : "le PageRank est il encore important ?" Généralement, ce genre de topic aboutit à un dialogue de sourds, les uns affirmant que le PR ne ser...

November 2006

Performance Research, Part 1: What the 80/20 Rule Tells Us about Reducing HTTP Requests » Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by -Nicolas- & 4 others (via)
This is the first in a series of articles describing experiments conducted to learn more about optimizing web page performance. You may be wondering why you’re reading a performance article on the YUI Blog. It turns out that most of web page performance is affected by front-end engineering, that is, the user interface design and development.

October 2006

PlugIM - Your Internet Marketing Community (Beta)

by Dravis
A user driven internet marketing community where members can submit content, share articles, comment on projects and promote their favorites to the front page.

September 2006

May 2006

January 2006

November 2005

Xooglers Blog

by macroron & 5 others
A gathering spot for ex-Googlers to reminisce and comment on the latest developments in search.

Active users

last mark : 10/01/2007 12:34

last mark : 15/12/2006 04:20

last mark : 12/10/2006 14:48

last mark : 20/05/2006 05:30

last mark : 03/01/2006 19:22