December 2007
Search in Pictures: Google, & Yahoo Holiday Parties, Yahoo JetBlue Plane, Google Security Scooter
by kuroyagi"here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more."
Sitemap Creator 0.2a: Create sitemaps 09 valid for Google, Yahoo, MSN, and moreover sitemaps
by walidalyThe script now is able to crawl/spider your website, create your sitemaps, ping Google, Yahoo, MSN,, with the location of your sitemaps and send you alerts by email when sitemaps are created or crawled by the search bot. The crawler saves sitemaps data into an easy to edit CSV file.
August 2007
4大検索エンジンのアルゴリズムの違いでわかってきたこと | Web担当者Forum
by kuroyagi長い時間がかかったが、4大検索エンジンがランキングアルゴリズムの点から見てそれぞれ実際にどう異なるのか、だんだんわかり始めてきた。
(3 marks)